






	import flash.display.BitmapData;

	import flash.display.BlendMode;

	import flash.display.DisplayObject;

	import flash.display.Sprite;

	import flash.geom.ColorTransform;

	import flash.geom.Matrix;

	import flash.geom.Point;

	import flash.geom.Rectangle;

	public class HitTest


		public static function complexHitTestObject( target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject,  accuracy:Number = 1 ):Boolean


			return complexIntersectionRectangle( target1, target2, accuracy ).width != 0;


		public static function intersectionRectangle( target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject ):Rectangle


			// If either of the items don't have a reference to stage, then they are not in a display list

			// or if a simple hitTestObject is false, they cannot be intersecting.

			if (! target1.root || ! target2.root || ! target1.hitTestObject(target2))


				return new Rectangle();


			// Get the bounds of each DisplayObject.

			var bounds1:Rectangle = target1.getBounds(target1.root);

			var bounds2:Rectangle = target2.getBounds(target2.root);

			// Determine test area boundaries.

			var intersection:Rectangle = new Rectangle();

			intersection.x = Math.max(bounds1.x,bounds2.x);

			intersection.width     = Math.min( ( bounds1.x + bounds1.width ) - intersection.x, ( bounds2.x + bounds2.width ) - intersection.x );

			intersection.height = Math.min( ( bounds1.y + bounds1.height ) - intersection.y, ( bounds2.y + bounds2.height ) - intersection.y );

			return intersection;


		public static function complexIntersectionRectangle( target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject, accuracy:Number = 1 ):Rectangle


			if (accuracy <= 0)


				throw new Error("ArgumentError: Error #5001: Invalid value for accuracy",5001);


			// If a simple hitTestObject is false, they cannot be intersecting.

			if (! target1.hitTestObject(target2))


				return new Rectangle();


			var hitRectangle:Rectangle = intersectionRectangle(target1,target2);

			// If their boundaries are no interesecting, they cannot be intersecting.

			if (hitRectangle.width * accuracy < 1 || hitRectangle.height * accuracy < 1)


				return new Rectangle();


			var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(hitRectangle.width * accuracy,hitRectangle.height * accuracy,false,0x000000);

			// Draw the first target.

			bitmapData.draw( target1, HitTest.getDrawMatrix( target1, hitRectangle, accuracy ), new ColorTransform( 1, 1, 1, 1, 255, -255, -255, 255 ) );

			// Overlay the second target.

			bitmapData.draw( target2, HitTest.getDrawMatrix( target2, hitRectangle, accuracy ), new ColorTransform( 1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, 255 ), BlendMode.DIFFERENCE );

			// Find the intersection.

			var intersection:Rectangle = bitmapData.getColorBoundsRect(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFF00FFFF);


			// Alter width and positions to compensate for accuracy

			if (accuracy != 1)


				intersection.x /=  accuracy;

				intersection.y /=  accuracy;

				intersection.width /=  accuracy;

				intersection.height /=  accuracy;


			intersection.x +=  hitRectangle.x;

			intersection.y +=  hitRectangle.y;

			return intersection;


		protected static function getDrawMatrix( target:DisplayObject, hitRectangle:Rectangle, accuracy:Number ):Matrix


			var localToGlobal:Point;;

			var matrix:Matrix;

			var rootConcatenatedMatrix:Matrix = target.root.transform.concatenatedMatrix;

			localToGlobal = target.localToGlobal( new Point( ) );

			matrix = target.transform.concatenatedMatrix;

			matrix.tx = localToGlobal.x - hitRectangle.x;

			matrix.ty = localToGlobal.y - hitRectangle.y;

			matrix.a = matrix.a / rootConcatenatedMatrix.a;

			matrix.d = matrix.d / rootConcatenatedMatrix.d;

			if (accuracy != 1)


				matrix.scale( accuracy, accuracy );


			return matrix;






	import flash.display.Sprite;

	import flash.events.MouseEvent;

	import flash.geom.Rectangle;

	public class ComplexIntersectionRectangle extends Sprite


		private var _circle0:Sprite;

		private var _circle1:Sprite;

		private var _hit:Boolean;

		private var _intersection:Sprite;

		public function ComplexIntersectionRectangle()





		private function initialize():void


			_circle0 = new Sprite();

			_circle0.x = 50;

			_circle0.y = 100;

			_circle0.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onCircleMouseDown );

			draw( _circle0, 0xFFFFFF );

			addChild( _circle0 );

			_circle1 = new Sprite();

			_circle1.x = 250;

			_circle1.y = 100;

			_circle1.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onCircleMouseDown );

			draw( _circle1, 0xFFFFFF );

			addChild( _circle1 );

			_intersection = new Sprite();

			addChild( _intersection );

			_hit = false;

			stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onStageMouseMove );

			stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onStageMouseUp );


		private function onCircleMouseDown( event:MouseEvent ):void


			var circle:Sprite = Sprite(event.target);

			circle.startDrag( false );


		private function onStageMouseMove( event:MouseEvent ):void


			var intersection:Rectangle = HitTest.complexIntersectionRectangle(_circle0,_circle1,5);

			var hit:Boolean = ( intersection.width > 0 && intersection.height > 0 );


			if (hit)


				_intersection.graphics.beginFill( 0xFF0000, 0.5 );

				_intersection.graphics.drawRect( intersection.x, intersection.y, intersection.width, intersection.height );



			if (hit != _hit)


				_hit = hit;

				var color:Number = ( _hit ) ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFFFFFF;

				draw( _circle0, color );

				draw( _circle1, color );



		private function onStageMouseUp( event:MouseEvent ):void





		private function draw( circle:Sprite, color:Number ):void



			circle.graphics.beginFill( color, 1 );

			circle.graphics.drawCircle( 0, 0, 25 );




