The Automated Testing Handbook 自动化测试手册简介

Learn what works, what doesn't and why. The Automated Testing Handbook is a practical blueprint for successful test automation, complete with checklists, templates and techniques to help you every step of the way. 
How to Automate Software Testing
Why isn't automated testing a reality? In an age of rapid development in increasingly complex environments, automation is the only real hope for achieving any acceptable level of test coverage. Yet, even with all of the tools and technology available, the overwhelming amount of testing is still done manually.、
The good news is when it does succeed, software test automation reaps huge rewards. But it's like anything--if you've never done it before, you must learn through trial and error. The problem is you don't have time to make mistakes. The stakes are too high, and you can't afford technology that won't save you time and money. Instead, get the benefit of the experiences of hundreds of companies who have implemented automated testing-- what worked, what didn't and why.
Who Will Benefit From This Handbook
  • Managers of software development and QA
  • 软件开发和QA经理
  • Software testers
  • 软件测试人员
  • Software developers
  • 软件开发人员
  • Software quality consultants
  • 软件质量顾问
  • Anyone using or considering test automation
  • 使用或考虑自动化测试的人
Table of Contents
  • The Test Framework
  • 测试框架
    • Common functions
    • 常见的功能
    • Standard tests
    • 标准测试
    • Test templates
    • 测试模板
    • Test dictionary
    • 测试词典
  • Test Library Management
  • 测试库管理
    • Change control
    • 变更控制
    • Version control
    • 版本控制
    • Configuration management
    • 配置管理
  • Selecting a Test Automation Approach
  • 选择一个测试自动化的方法
    • Capture/Playback
    • 捕获/回放
      Variable Capture/Playback
      • Structure
      • 结构
      • Advantages
      • 优势
      • Disadvantages
      • 劣势
      • Comparison considerations
      • 对比考量
      • Data considerations
      • 数据考量
    • 变量捕获/回放
      Variable Capture/Variable Playback
      • Structure
      • 结构
      • Advantages
      • 优势
      • Disadvantages
      • 劣势
      • Data considerations
      • 数据考量
    • 变量捕获/变速播放
      • Structure
      • 结构
      • Advantages
      • 优势
      • Disadvantages
      • 劣势
  • The Test Automation Process
  • 自动化测试过程
    • The Test Team
    • 测试团队
    • Test Automation Plan
    • 自动化测试方案
    • Planning the test cycle
    • 规划试验周期
    • Test suite design
    • 测试用例的设计
    • Test cycle design
    • 测试周期设计
  • Test Execution
  • 测试执行
    • Test log
    • 测试日志
    • Error log
    • 错误日志
    • Analyzing results
    • 分析结果
      • Inaccurate resuls
      • 不准确的结果
      • Defect tracking
      • 缺陷跟踪
  • Test Metrics
  • 测试评估
  • Management Reporting
  • 管理报告
    • Historical trends
    • 历史趋势
About the Author
Linda G. Hayes, BBA, CPA, MS, JD, has 15 years of experience in software development and is a frequently published author and highly rated speaker on software quality and test automation. As co-founder of AutoTester, Inc., and President of WorkSoft, Inc., a leading automated testing software vendor, she pioneered structured software test automation. Her article on integrating automated testing throughout the software development cycle won the Most Significant Contribution of the Year award from the Quality Assurance Institute and was published by Auerbach in the testing chapter of their Systems Development Handbook. 
