Upload Large Files in ASP.NET Using HttpModule

Upload Large Files in ASP.NET Using HttpModule

 AS you may know, ASP.NET by default only allows the maximum request length to be 4MB. The developer needs to modify the web.config file to allow the upload process to handle large files.
If you use Reflactor and you dissamble the HttpRequest under System.Web, you will find a method called GetEntireRawContent which will check if the request is larger than the value in the web.config and throws an error

                if (length > maxRequestLengthBytes)
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("Max_request_length_exceeded"), null, 0xbbc);

In this article, Haissam Abdul Malak will demonstrate how to upload large files in ASP.NET without the need to modify the value of maxRequestLength attribute of the httpRuntime tag in the web.config.

We will create an HttpModule which will read the file in chunks (500KB per chunk).
We will handle the BeginRequest event and use the HttpWorkerRequest which provides more low level control for the request.
Below is the full implementation of the HttpModule. I included comments to enable you to fully understand each line of code.

I recommend connecting to msdn and read about HttpWorkerRequest class. Personally i didnt know about the existence of such class except lately.

using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.Text;
using  System.Web;
using  System.IO;
using  System.Web.UI;
using  System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace  HAMModule
public   class  MyModule : IHttpModule
public   void  Init(HttpApplication app)
+=   new  EventHandler(app_BeginRequest);
void  app_BeginRequest( object  sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpContext context 
=  ((HttpApplication)sender).Context;

if  (context.Request.ContentLength  >   4096000 )
                IServiceProvider provider 
=  (IServiceProvider)context;
                HttpWorkerRequest wr 
=  (HttpWorkerRequest)provider.GetService( typeof (HttpWorkerRequest));
                FileStream fs 
=   null ;
//  Check if body contains data
                 if  (wr.HasEntityBody())
//  get the total body length
                     int  requestLength  =  wr.GetTotalEntityBodyLength();
//  Get the initial bytes loaded
                     int  initialBytes  =  wr.GetPreloadedEntityBody().Length;
if  ( ! wr.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded())
byte [] buffer  =   new   byte [ 512000 ];
string [] fileName  =  context.Request.QueryString[ " fileName " ].Split( new   char [] {  ' \\ '  });
=   new  FileStream(context.Server.MapPath( " ~/Uploads/ "   +  fileName[fileName.Length - 1 ]), FileMode.CreateNew);
//  Set the received bytes to initial bytes before start reading
                         int  receivedBytes  =  initialBytes;
while  (requestLength  -  receivedBytes  >=  initialBytes)
//  Read another set of bytes
                            initialBytes  =  wr.ReadEntityBody(buffer, buffer.Length);
//  Write the chunks to the physical file
                            fs.Write(buffer,  0 , buffer.Length);
//  Update the received bytes
                            receivedBytes  +=  initialBytes;
=  wr.ReadEntityBody(buffer, requestLength  -  receivedBytes);
" UploadFinished.aspx " );

public   void  Dispose()

To know the file name selected by the user, I had to use javascript function on the page containing the fileupload control to change the action property of the form tag to post to the same page with a query

string parameter containing the selected file name. Users will be redirected to a page called "UploadFinished.aspx" to display a successful upload process message.

Below is the javascript function

 <script language="javascript">
        function SetAction()
                   document.form1.action = 'default.aspx?fileName=' + document.getElementById('FileUpload1').value;
And call it using
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" onpropertychange="SetAction()" />
You need to register the module in the application web.config file by placing the below inside the <system.web> tag.

        <add type="HAMModule.MyModule" name="MyModule"/>

Hope this helps,
