Library:python-memcached on Windows

1 install memcached 1.4.4 Windows 32-bit 

2 cd into the base file and type memcached.exe -d install to install the service

3 type memcached.exe -d start to start the service

4 install python-memcached library

5 cd into the dir and type python output should be like this(or, there will be some errors, orz...):

(o) D:\ProgramData\V\o\Lib\site-packages>python
Testing docstrings...
Running tests:

Testing set/get {'a_string': some random string} ... OK
Testing set/get {'an_integer': 42 (<type 'int'>)} ... OK
Testing set/get {'long': 1073741824 (<type 'long'>)} ... OK
Testing delete ... OK
Checking results of delete ...
Testing get_multi ... {'an_integer': 42, 'a_string': 'some random string'}
Testing get(unknown value) ... None (<type 'NoneType'>)
Testing set/get {'foostruct': A FooStruct (<class '__main__.FooStruct'>)} ... OK

Testing incr ... OK
Testing decr ... OK
Testing sending spaces... OK
Testing sending control characters... OK
Testing using insanely long key... OK
Testing sending a unicode-string key... OK OK OK
Testing using a value larger than the memcached value limit...
NOTE: "MemCached: while expecting[...]" is normal...
MemCached: while expecting 'STORED', got unexpected response 'SERVER_ERROR objec
t too large for cache'
Testing set_multi() with no memcacheds running OK
Testing delete_multi() with no memcacheds running OK

