Biztalk Schema Editor "Equivalent" 机制

现象:在Biztalk Schema Editor Tree View上,产生<Equivalent>结点。



n Complex type X is defined in Schema A

n Complex type Y which Extended based on complex type X is defined in Schema B

n Schema C import both Schema A and Schema B, and use complex type X to define one of its record

The issue is:

         Once import schema B to schema C, there would be an <equivalent> tag under the record of type X, and both structures for type X and type Y are listed following the <equivalent> tag. At the same time, the links created for this node in map would broke.

         This is by design behavior of BizTalk schema editor. When we use a complex type X to define a record in a schema, BizTalk schema tree view will display the structures of all types contained in this schema as well as its imported schemas which are extended from complex type X just like the way we saw.

