POJ1013Counterfeit Dollar


 1 #include<cstdio>

 2 #include<cstring>

 3 #include<cmath>

 4 #include<iostream>

 5 using namespace std ;


 7 int main()

 8 {

 9     int n ;

10     while(cin>>n )

11     {

12         int a['L'+3] ;

13         for(int k = 1 ; k <= n ; k++)

14         {

15             memset(a,0,sizeof(a)) ;  //没被标记

16             char ch[50],sh[50] ,ju[50];

17             for(int j = 1 ; j <= 3 ; j++)

18             {

19                 cin>>ch>>sh>>ju;

20                 if(strcmp(ju,"even")==0)

21                 {

22                     for(int i = 0 ; i <  strlen(ch) ; i++)

23                     {

24                         a[ch[i]] = 1000 ;//绝对真币为-1

25                         a[sh[i]] = 1000 ;

26                     }

27                 }

28                 else if(strcmp(ju,"up") == 0)

29                 {

30                     for(int i = 0 ; i < strlen(ch) ; i++)

31                     {

32                         if(a[ch[i]] != 1000)

33                             a[ch[i]]++;//

34                         if(a[sh[i]] != 1000)

35                             a[sh[i]]-- ;

36                     }

37                 }

38                 else if(strcmp(ju,"down") == 0)

39                 {

40                     for(int i = 0 ; i < strlen(ch) ; i++)

41                     {

42                         if(a[ch[i]] != 1000)

43                             a[ch[i]] --;

44                         if(a[sh[i]] != 1000)

45                             a[sh[i]]++ ;

46                     }

47                 }

48             }

49             int max = 0 ;

50             char count ;

51             for(int j = 'A' ; j <= 'L' ; j++)

52             {

53                 if(a[j] == 1000)

54                     continue ;

55                 if( fabs(a[j]) >= max)

56                 {

57                     max = fabs(a[j]) ;

58                     count = j ;

59                 }

60             }

61             cout<<count<< " is the counterfeit coin and it is ";

62             if(a[count] > 0)

63                 cout<<"heavy."<<endl ;

64             else

65                 cout<< "light."<<endl ;

66         }

67     }

68     return 0 ;

69 }
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