C# 基础(类)


  1. class是blueprint,用来描述What kinds of data the object holds and works with, What the object can do what its functionality is
  2. Usually, your C# programs will define their own classes, as well as use the classes that are provided by the .NET framework
  3. Class define two major things(Fields and Properties & Methords)
  4. Class can inherit attribute and methords from other clas
  5.  Define class:
class myClass


		//fields to contain the class data

		int myInteger;

		string myMessage;

		//methords that define the class functionality

		public int myFunction() {

			return myInteger;

			//whatever other logic there is


		public myClass(string defaultMsg) {

			myMessage = defaultMsg;	//这个是constructor, 一般用来给fileds赋值的



    6: Use Class: 使用实例.方法


      myClass myObj = new myClass("Hello");

    7: 使用类的fields和方法用"."

      int myResult = myObj.AddNumber(5, 10);

    8:Static: 使用类名.方法

      Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

    9:Instance member VS Static member:

 1 namespace DefiningAClass

 2 {

 3         class MyClass{

 4             int myIntegar;

 5             string meMessage;

 6             public static int myStaticInt = 100;    //static variable


 8             public int myFunction() {    //instance member function

 9                 return myIntegar;

10             }


12             public MyClass() {        //Constructor use to initial fields

13                 myIntegar = 50;

14                 meMessage ="This is made from constructor"

15             }

16         }

17         class Program

18         {

19                 static void Main(string[] args)

20                 {

21                     MyClass myC = new MyClass();    //调用Constructor

22                     Console.WriteLine("Calling instance member function : {0}", myC.myFunction());        //使用instance member

23                     Console.WriteLine("Calling static variable : {0}", MyClass.myStaticInt);        //使用static member

24                     Console.ReadLine();

25                 }

26         }

27 }

       10:Access Modifier:

        Private:只可class itself访问

        Public: 可以被其他object访问

        protected:可以class itself和集成的subclass访问

        internal:can be accessed by any class in the same assembly(package of code like a library or other program)





namespace AccessModifier        //注意创建的新类Wine被放在以project名字的NS下


    class Wine


        public string Name;

        public decimal Price;

        private string Description;

        protected decimal dicount;

        public Wine(string wineName, decimal winePrice) {

            Name = wineName;

            Price = winePrice;

            dicount = 0.0m;




namespace AccessModifier


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            Wine myWine = new Wine("Jacky", 100);

            myWine.Name = "ZXX";

            myWine.Price = 200m;






  •  property 就像field只不过他还有背后的逻辑          
  • 从外部看,他们像是成员变量,但是表现上像成员函数
  • 定义像field,内部包含get,set, get里即把什么数值return给调用property的用户, set就是用一个value来set一个private变量,getter,setter实际就是两个简写的方法。
  • property是典型使用puiblic的情况,其他还有Methord,和Event,其他类型一般都是private或者sealed,protected。
  • property可以是只读或者只写


  • 对于使用property的人来说实现了逻辑封装,用户不必知道property内部实现了什么样的逻辑,只需要用就好了。
  • property的内部逻辑变化了,外部使用不变,也不用关心。
  • property的get,set可以有逻辑在里面,判断值。



  class Wine{

    private decimal wholesalePrice;

    private decimal retailMarkup;

    public decimal Price{                      //property可由get来赋值private

      get{return wholesalePrice * retailMarkup;}   //Price property的使用者不用关心Price的值怎么得到。



使用property逻辑结构1: 需要构造函数按顺序一步步传递值


  1. 首先private变量(内部保存)
  2. 其次property用来get, set上面的变量,作为用户我只知道消费property,不知道内部逻辑get里有怎么样的运算。(外部接口)
  3. 最后构造函数用来初始化各个private变量(内部初始化)使用property逻辑结构1:

使用property逻辑结构2: 还有一种比较简便使用property的方式,直接给property赋值:

public class FieldType


            public string ReadableName { get; set; }

            public string InternalName { get; set; }

            public string DateType { get; set; }

            public override string ToString()


                return ReadableName;


            public FieldType(string readableName, string internalName, string dateType)


                ReadableName = readableName;        //property可由public的构造函数的参数赋值

                InternalName = internalName;

                DateType = dateType;



 Union/Ordered Property:

Value Type VS Reference Type:  

对于Value Type,其j=i实际是copy了i本来的“5”到j中,两个内存是分开的。i的值被重写3后,j还是5。

对于reference type(即class的),其不是cope数据而是reference到x,y的内存地址。所以改变任何P1.x, p2.x都会改变最终内存里的数值


 1 public class Pointer{

 2     public int x;

 3     public int y;

 4 }

 5 ...


 7 Point p = new Point();    //在内存中创建了p并且另一块内存位置存储着x,y。p指向x,y

 8 p.x = 10;

 9 p.y = 10;

10 Console.WriteLine("p.x is {0}", p.x);  //输出10

11 testFun2(p);

12 Console.WriteLine("p.x is {0}", p.x);  //因为是reference所以也指向pt的位置,所以输出为20

13 Console.ReadLine();


15 static void textFun2(Point pt){

16   Console.WriteLine("pt.x is {0}", pt.x);  //输出10

17   pt.x += 10;

18   Console.WriteLine("pt.x is {0}", pt.x);  //输出20,内部改变了,x内存地址的数值

19 }


Overloading: 同一个方法,代入不同参数.

 1 namespace ConsoleApplication1

 2 {

 3     class Wine

 4     {

 5         public int year;

 6         public string name;

 7         public decimal price;


 9         public Wine(string s) {

10             name = s;

11         }

12         public Wine(string s, int y)

13         {

14             name = s;

15             year = y;

16         }

17         public Wine(string s, int y, decimal p)

18         {

19             name = s;

20             price = p;

21             year = y;

22         }

23     }

24     class Program

25     {

26         static void Main(string[] args)

27         {

28             Wine w1 = new Wine("Charless Shaw Merlot");

29             Wine w2 = new Wine("Mark Ryan Dissident", 2004);

30             Wine w3 = new Wine("Dom Perignon", 1994, 120.00m);


32             Console.WriteLine("{0}", w1.name);

33             Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", w2.year, w2.name);

34             Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}", w3.year, w3.name, w3.price);

35             Console.ReadLine();

36         }

37     }


39 }

private bool GetText(string startText, out bool outBool)
private bool GetText(string startText, out int outInt)

private bool GetText(string startText, out double outDouble)


Overrriding: change the behavior of methord in baseClasses




virtual:   用来在base class中告诉compiler如下methord可以被subclass 的methord override

       public virtual int myFunction(){...}

override:  用来在subclass中,告诉compiler这个methord override base class中同名的methord

      public override int myFunction(){...}

base:   用来在subclass中,call base class methord



class Program

     class baseClass


            public virtual void doSomething()


                Console.WriteLine("This is call from base class.");



        class subClass : baseClass 


            public override void doSomething()


                 base.doSomething();    //在subClass里call baseClass的function
"This is call from sub class"); } }
static void Main(string[] args)
     subClass obj1 = new subClass(); obj1.doSomething(); //输出为:This is call from base classThis is call from sub class baseClass obj2 = new subClass(); obj2.doSomething(); //输出为:This is call from base class 和 This is call from sub class. 因为是override,所以尽管创建的是baseClass的实例,也找subClass的方法 baseClass obj3 = new baseClass(); obj3.doSomething();  //输出为:This is call from base class } }


 1 public class FieldType

 2         {

 3             public string ReadableName { get; set; }

 4             public string InternalName { get; set; }

 5             public string DateType { get; set; }
6 public override string ToString()        //override ToString()方法 7 { 8 return ReadableName; 9 }
10 public FieldType(string readableName, string internalName, string dateType) 11 { 12 ReadableName = readableName; 13 InternalName = internalName; 14 DateType = dateType; 15 } 16 }


Abstract Class: 自己不可以instantiate,需要derived class来instantiate


作用是上面实际的给类汽车类可以随时增加,他们都是Vehicle class的衍生类,需要override 抽象类的abstract member,用来group一些共通的property和function到一个抽象类,force用户override这些property和function,需要derived类来实现这些共通的方法。

  • abstract class不可以自己instantiate实例,需要继承的subclass(derived class)来instantiate一个实例
  • abstract class有abstract member, derived class must override in order to provide the functionality.

public abstract class myClass{

  public abstract void function(int arg1);    //abstract member 需要被derived class override



 1 class Program

 2     {

 3         static void Main(string[] args)

 4         {

 5             myDerivedClass mbc = new myDerivedClass();

 6             int result = mbc.addMethord(5, 6);

 7             Console.WriteLine("{0}", result);

 8             Console.ReadLine();


10         }

11 12 

13     abstract class myAbstractClass

14     {

15         public abstract int addMethord(int arg1, int arg2); 

16     }

17     class myDerivedClass : myAbstractClass

18     {

19         public override int addMethord(int arg1, int arg2)

20         {

21             return arg1 + arg2;

22         }

23     }
    这里留下可能性,可以继续写继承抽象类其他类,并给出该类下的方法may be return (arg1 * arg2);
24 }


Sealed Class:

sealed class和abstract class相反,用户不能derived class

之前没加sealed关键字的时候,mySubClass还可以derived myClass,加上sealed后就不可以了


