solution for lost fonts

> On more than one occasion I have lost all my fonts.
> all you see in windows or office are symbols. In the past I reloaded
> win xp home addition. But this time I did a repair mode with Office
> 2000 that restored my fonts. Is this a known virus, worm or something.
> If it is how do I get rid of it. Norton system works can not detect
> it. If its a bug is there a fix. I suspect it counts the number of
> times you restart and then at some point it wipes your fonts out. This
> way you think you are out of the woods but after a while it strikes
> again. Thanks,
> Norman

An interesting theory, Norman, but completely wrong. Unfortunately,
there are many reasons why you can lose fonts. Yes, you can get a
virus. Be sure that the antivirus portion of NSW is current (not later
than 2002) and the definitions are updated. If your subscription came
up for renewal and you didn't renew, they are not and you are not
protected. Another reason for fonts disappearing might be corruption of
the fonts folder. Googling brought me this solution:

"The problem is caused by some corrupted or missing fonts key in the

Move the contents of the Fonts folder to an empty folder. By opening the
Fonts folder, select all the fonts, copy them, and paste them to a new
folder. Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts.
Highlight the key and press DELETE. Once the key has been deleted
create a new key to replace it, by selecting Edit/New/Key and name the
new key [Fonts].

Restart the computer, then re-install the fonts by opening the Control
Panel, double-click on 'Fonts'. And from the File menu select 'Install
New Fonts...' adding the fonts that were previously copied to the
temporary directory."
