RPL是IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks的简称。
Objective Function (OF): An OF defines how routing metrics, optimization objectives, and related functions are used to compute Rank. Furthermore, the OF dictates how parents in the DODAG are selected and, thus, the DODAG formation.目标功能OF:OF定义了路由计量标准、目标路径优化,以及计算Rank值的方式。与此同时,OF还规定了如何确定DODAG中的父节点的方式,即如何构造DODAG。
LLN网络不像我们平常的有线网络那样是点到点传输的,LLN一般没有预先规定好某个发送节点的目标,网络内的节点必须自己去发现其它的节点并按RPL规则建立通信。RPL路由把网络拓扑内所有节点向外的信道汇集到一个或多个指定的出入口(sink)上去,反之外部的信息也从这些出入口(sink)出来分发给网络里面的节点。所以,RPL把整张网络视为一个DAG图(Directed Acyclic Graph),然后再将这个DAG图分割为多个DODAG图,每个DODAG图含有一个根节点(出入口sink,可以接收或发送外网信息)。这些根节点通常会连接到某一主干网上去。
A RPL Instance may comprise: o a single DODAG with a single root * For example, a DODAG optimized to minimize latency rooted at a single centralized lighting controller in a Home Automation application. o multiple uncoordinated DODAGs with independent roots (differing DODAGIDs) * For example, multiple data collection points in an urban data collection application that do not have suitable connectivity to coordinate with each other or that use the formation of multiple DODAGs as a means to dynamically and autonomously partition the network. o a single DODAG with a virtual root that coordinates LLN sinks(with the same DODAGID) over a backbone network. * For example, multiple border routers operating with a reliable transit link, e.g., in support of an IPv6 Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) application, that are capable of acting as logically equivalent interfaces to the sink of the same DODAG. o a combination of the above as suited to some application scenario.
RPL规定从节点到DODOAG的根的路由,应该根据OF算出最优的DODAG来,节点间通过互相传递DIO(DODAG Information Object)信息数据来建立和维护DODAG图。
RPL使用DAO(Destination Advertisement Object (DAO))信息数据来建立下行路由