1 ----------------行列的转换
2 --测试环境
3 Create table #T(Date datetime,Type varchar(20),qty int,Amount int )
4 insert into #T select '2006-01-02','早上',2,50
5 union all select '2006-01-02','中午',1,20
6 union all select '2006-01-02','晚上',3,30
7 union all select '2006-01-02','零晨',5,40
8 union all select '2006-01-03','早上',1,40
9 union all select '2006-01-03','中午',5,60
10 union all select '2006-01-03','晚上',2,50
11 union all select '2006-01-03','零晨',1,50
12 union all select '2006-01-04','早上',2,80
13 union all select '2006-01-04','中午',4,60
14 union all select '2006-01-04','晚上',3,20
15 union all select '2006-01-04','零晨',1,40
16 select * from #T
19 --动态sql交叉表
20 DECLARE @S VARCHAR(MAX),@s1 varchar(max )
21 SET @S=''
22 SELECT @S=@S+',['+Type+']' FROM #T
23 GROUP BY [Type]
24 print @s
25 SELECT @S1=isnull(@S1+',','') +'b.['+Type+'] as qty'+[type] FROM #T
26 GROUP BY [Type]
27 print @s1
29 SET @S=STUFF(@S,1,1,'' )
30 declare @m varchar(8000 )
31 set @m='
32 select a.*,'+@S1+'
33 from (
34 select Date,'+@S+' --,金额小计=(select sum(Amount) from #T where Date=PT.Date )
35 from (select date,type,amount from #T) as p
37 ( max(Amount)
38 for [type] in ('+@S+' )
39 ) as PT) a
40 ,
41 (
42 select Date,'+@S+' --,qty小计=(select sum(Amount) from #T where Date=PT.Date )
43 from (select date,type,qty from #T) as p
45 ( max(qty)
46 for [type] in ('+@S+' )
47 ) as PT) b
48 where a.date = b.date
49 '
53 exec(@m )
57 Drop Table #T
-------------master..spt_values自然數從零開始增長 type='p' 變異數 number---------------------------
1 declare @t table (id int , name varchar ( 10 ),idCardNum varchar ( 20 ),num int )
2 insert @t select
3 1 , ' 张三 ' , ' 230103198210295729 ' , 3 union all select
4 2 , ' 李四 ' , ' 230103198210295729 ' , 2
6 select name = a.name + case when ltrim ( number ) = ' 0 ' then '' else ltrim ( number ) end ,
7 idCardNum = case when number = 0 then idCardNum else null end ,
8 sex = case when substring (idCardNum, 17 , 1 ) % 2 = 0 then ' 女 ' else ' 男 ' end ,
9 birthday = substring (idCardNum, 7 , 8 )
10 from master..spt_values b
11 join @t a
12 on number < a.num and number >= 0 and type = ' p '
14 select substring ( ' 230103198210295729 ' , 17 , 1 )
15 -- name idCardNum sex birthday
16 -- ---------------------- -------------------- ---- ----------------
17 -- 张三 230103198210295729 女 19821029
18 -- 张三1 NULL 女 19821029
19 -- 张三2 NULL 女 19821029
20 -- 李四 230103198210295729 女 19821029
21 -- 李四1 NULL 女 19821029
22 --
23 -- (5 行受影响)
sql 获取ip地址
1 select
2 hostname as computername,
3 program_name as programname,
4 *
5 from master..sysprocesses
6 where dbid = db_id ( ' GDS_Service ' )
8 -- SQL Server 2005: SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'sys.xp_cmdshell' 错误解决方法
9 sp_configure ' show advanced options ' , 1
10 GO
12 GO
13 sp_configure ' xp_cmdshell ' , 1
14 GO
16 GO
18 declare @ip varchar ( 15 ), @sql varchar ( 1000 )
20 -- 得到ip地址
21 create table #ip(a varchar ( 200 ))
22 set @sql = ' ping ' + host_name () + ' -a -n 1 -l 1 '
23 insert into #ip exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql
25 select @ip =left (a, patindex ( ' %:% ' ,a) - 1 ) from (
26 select a = substring (a, patindex ( ' Ping statistics for %:% ' ,a) + 20 , 20 )
27 from #ip where a like ' Ping statistics for %:% ' ) a
28 select * from #ip
29 -- 显示结果
30 select computername = host_name (),ipaddress = @ip
32 drop table #ip
1 select * into #ta from (
2 select ' 001 ' 工号, ' 李1 ' 姓名
3 union all
4 select ' 002 ' 工号, ' 李2 ' 姓名
5 union all
6 select ' 003 ' 工号, ' 李3 ' 姓名
7 union all
8 select ' 004 ' 工号, ' 李4 ' 姓名
9 union all
10 select ' 005 ' 工号, ' 李5 ' 姓名
11 union all
12 select ' 006 ' 工号, ' 李6 ' 姓名
13 union all
14 select ' 007 ' 工号, ' 李7 ' 姓名
15 union all
16 select ' 008 ' 工号, ' 李8 ' 姓名
17 ) a
19 select * into #tb from
20 ( select ' aaa ' 流程编号 , ' 加班申请 ' 流程名 , ' 003 ' 发起人
21 union all
22 select ' bbb ' 流程编号 , ' 请假申请 ' 流程名 , ' 004 ' 发起人
23 union all
24 select ' ccc ' 流程编号 , ' 加班申请 ' 流程名 , ' 002 ' 发起人
25 union all
26 select ' ddd ' 流程编号 , ' 出差申请 ' 流程名 , ' 001 ' 发起人
27 union all
28 select ' eee ' 流程编号 , ' 培训申请 ' 流程名 , ' 005 ' 发起人)
29 b
31 select * into #tc from (
32 select ' aaa ' 流程编号 , ' 申请 ' 流程步骤 , ' 003 ' 办理人
33 union all
34 select ' aaa ' 流程编号 , ' 同意 ' 流程步骤 , ' 002 ' 办理人
35 union all
36 select ' bbb ' 流程编号 , ' 申请 ' 流程步骤 , ' 004 ' 办理人
37 union all
38 select ' bbb ' 流程编号 , ' 退回 ' 流程步骤 , ' 005 ' 办理人
39 union all
40 select ' bbb ' 流程编号 , ' 申请 ' 流程步骤 , ' 004 ' 办理人
41 union all
42 select ' bbb ' 流程编号 , ' 同意 ' 流程步骤 , ' 005 ' 办理人
43 union all
44 select ' ccc ' 流程编号 , ' 申请 ' 流程步骤 , ' 002 ' 办理人
45 union all
46 select ' ccc ' 流程编号 , ' 退回 ' 流程步骤 , ' 006 ' 办理人
47 union all
48 select ' ccc ' 流程编号 , ' 申请 ' 流程步骤 , ' 002 ' 办理人
49 union all
50 select ' ccc ' 流程编号 , ' 再次退回 ' 流程步骤 , ' 006 ' 办理人
51 union all
52 select ' ccc ' 流程编号 , ' 申请 ' 流程步骤 , ' 002 ' 办理人
53 union all
54 select ' ccc ' 流程编号 , ' 同意 ' 流程步骤 , ' 008 ' 办理人
55 ) c
58 ; with f as
59 (
60 select
61 b.流程编号 , b.流程名 , a.姓名 AS 发起人 , c.流程步骤 , c.姓名 AS 办理人
62 from
63 #ta a ,
64 #tb b ,
65 ( select a. * ,b.姓名 AS 姓名 from #tc a left join #ta b on a.办理人 = b.工号) c
66 where
67 a.工号 = b.发起人 and b.流程编号 = c.流程编号
68 )
69 -- select rn=row_number() over(partition by 流程编号,流程名,发起人 order by 发起人),* from f
70 -- (这种临时表只能使用一次)
71 -- select * from f
72 select
73 case when rn = 1 then 流程编号 else '' end as 流程编号,
74 case when rn = 1 then 流程名 else '' end as 流程名,
75 case when rn = 1 then 发起人 else '' end as 发起人,流程步骤 ,办理人
76 from
77 ( select rn = row_number() over (partition by 流程编号,流程名,发起人 order by 发起人), * from f)t
81 drop table #ta
82 drop table #tb
83 drop table #tc
85 /* 流程编号 流程名 发起人 流程步骤 办理人
86 ---- -------- ---- -------- ----
87 aaa 加班申请 李3 申请 李3
88 同意 李2
89 bbb 请假申请 李4 申请 李4
90 退回 李5
91 申请 李4
92 同意 李5
93 ccc 加班申请 李2 申请 李2
94 退回 李6
95 申请 李2
96 再次退回 李6
97 申请 李2
98 同意 李8
100 (12 行受影响)
101 */
1 -- 数量分配
3 create table #t(
4 id int identity ( 1 , 1 ),
5 group_id int ,
6 name nvarchar ( 02 ),
7 value int
8 )
9 Go
10 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 1 , ' A ' , 100
11 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 1 , ' B ' , 50
12 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 1 , ' C ' , - 70
13 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 1 , ' D ' , - 130
14 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 2 , ' E ' , 30
15 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 2 , ' F ' , 150
16 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 2 , ' G ' , - 50
17 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 2 , ' H ' , - 100
18 Insert into #t(group_id,name,value) select 2 , ' I ' , - 200
19 GO
20 select * from #t
21 select a.name as name1
22 ,a.value as value1
23 ,b.name as name2
24 ,b.value as value2
25 , case when a.v2 + b.V2 <= 0 then case when a.v2 + b.V1 <= a.value then a.v2 + b.V1 else a.value end
26 else case when - (a.v1 + b.V2) <= - b.value then - (a.v1 + b.V2) else - b.value end
27 end as adjust_value
28 from (
29 select * , isnull (( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name < t.name and value > 0 ), 0 ) as V1
30 ,( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name <= t.name and value > 0 ) as V2
31 from #t t
32 where value > 0
33 ) as a,(
34 select * , isnull (( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name < t.name and value < 0 ), 0 ) as V1
35 ,( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name <= t.name and value < 0 ) as V2
36 from #t t
37 where value < 0
38 ) as b
39 where a.group_id = b.group_id
40 -- a.V1+b.V2<=0上一级够,本级提供。
41 -- a.V2+b.V1>=0 为上一级提供有剩为本机提供
42 and a.V2 + b.V1 >= 0 and a.V1 + b.V2 <= 0
43 order by a.name,b.name
46 select * , isnull (( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name < t.name and value > 0 ), 0 ) as V1
47 ,( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name <= t.name and value > 0 ) as V2
48 from #t t
49 where value > 0
52 select * , isnull (( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name < t.name and value < 0 ), 0 ) as V1
53 ,( select sum (value) from #t where group_id = t.group_id and name <= t.name and value < 0 ) as V2
54 from #t t
55 where value < 0
57 -- --结果
58 -- group_id name1 value1 name2 value2 adjust_value
59 -- ----------- ----- ----------- ----- ----------- ------------
60 -- 1 A 100 C -70 70
61 -- 1 A 100 D -130 30
62 -- 1 B 50 D -130 50
63 -- 2 E 30 G -50 30
64 -- 2 F 150 G -50 20
65 -- 2 F 150 H -100 100
66 -- 2 F 150 I -200 30