1、Aftet install mentohust
2、Input : sudo mentohust -b3 -y5 -w
explanation:Make MentoHUST daemon run
save to /tmp/mentohust.log,open the message reminding
3.Input : sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/mentohust
explanation : the "u+s" is just set the mentohust authority
4、go,system tools>first boot device>add,You can name what you want, such as mentohust
the command you can write :/usr/bin/mentohust
How to install mentohust:
1. download :mentohust-0.3.4-2.el6.i686.rpm
//If your system is Debianor Ubuntu, chose XXXXX.deb
2. capture in windows:
ectract MentoHUSTTool.7z
double click “安装卸载.bat” 。
exit ruijie。
run MentoHUSTTool.exe
follow the tip ,
save the results as data.mpf ,
go to the ruijie folder in windows, find the 8021x.exe , W32N55.dll, and SuConfig.dat
create a folder named mentohust,put the four document in this folder
$ sudo cp mentohust /etc/mentohust -r
double click mentohust-0.3.4-2.el6.i686.rpm
$sudo mentohust
网卡: eth0
组播地址: 锐捷
DHCP方式: 二次认证
$sudo vi /etc/mentohust.conf
5. run automatically after boot:
$sudo vi /etc/mentohust.conf
$sudo gedit /etc/gdm/Init/Default
Add before the "exit 0" (the last line):
if [ -x /usr/bin/mentohust ]; then
6. over