ubuntu english install chinese input

Please follow up steps as below. It can work, and verified.

System–>Administration–>language support,在install/remove lanuages中选择中文安装,安装时间较长,忍耐。。。,keyboard input method system, 选择ibus, 安装完成后,进入System–>Preferences–>ibus preferences–>input method–>select an input method–>chinese,然后选择Pinyin,就是一个“拼”字图标的那个,不要选择pinyin(m17n),这个选择不是智能拼音。
注:<In Ubuntu 11 and 12 you can also search via the Dash (or Ubuntu/Windows key) in the Application Lens for the terms "Keyboard" or "input".
Then in IBus Preferences, click on the second tab, "Input Method", and click on the "Select an input method" menu. Ubuntu 12 introduced only small changes and is still very similar to the following screen shots:>

然后在ibus preferences 中的general中设置键盘绑定,默认ctrl+space激活,alt+shift(left)转换输入法,我直接在input method里删除了引文,只保留了智能拼音,这样直接ctrl+space就切换了。


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