Excel Rendering Limitations

RDL/RDLC (Reporting Services )导出 Excel的种种限制

Updated: 12 December 2006

There are limitations on reports that are exported to Microsoft Excel. The most significant are the following:

  • Support for Microsoft ActiveX controls is not provided.
  • The maximum number of rows in Excel is 65536. This is checked by the rendering extension, and an error is displayed in Excel if the limit is exceeded.
  • The maximum number of columns in Excel is 256. This is checked by the rendering extension, and an error is displayed in Excel if the limit is exceeded.
  • The maximum column width in Excel is 255 characters or 1726.5 points. This is not checked by the rendering extension.
  • The maximum number of characters in a cell is 32767. This is not checked by the rendering extension.
  • There is a limit to the number of worksheets that Excel can have per workbook. Each section in the HTML becomes a worksheet; if the report is large and exceeds the number of worksheets, an error is displayed in Excel if the limit is exceeded.
  • Excel supports only the following border line widths: 0.5 pt., 1.0 pt., and 1.5 pt.
  • The maximum number of levels for nested outlines is 7.
  • Multiple newsletter-style columns in the report body are not supported by the Excel rendering extension. All reports are rendered within a single column by the Excel rendering extension.
  • Top and bottom padding in text boxes is always ignored when the report is rendered in Excel.


