msdn 英文之try, catch, and throw Statements




y-block :
try compound-statement handler-list

handler-list :
handler handler-listopt

handler :
catch ( exception-declaration ) compound-statement

exception-declaration :
type-specifier-list declarator
type-specifier-list abstract-declarator

throw-expression :
throw assignment-expressionopt


·           The compound-statement after the try clause is the guarded section of code. The throw-expression “throws” (raises) an exception. The compound-statement after the catch clausen. 条款;子句 is the exception handler, and “catches” (handles) the exception thrown by the throw-expression. The exception-declaration statement indicates the type of exception the clause handles. The type can be any valid data type, including a C++ class. If the exception-declaration statement is an ellipsis (省略...), the catch clause handles any type of exception, including a C exception. Such a handler must be the last handler for its try-block.

compound ['kɔmpaund, kəm'paund]

  • vt. 混合;合成;和解妥协;搀合
  • vi. 妥协;和解
  • n. 化合物;复合词;混合物
  • adj. 复合的;混合的
