Chapter3 - Step 3: Search the Literature in The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success (2022)
1. 我对于主题声明中的核心观点是否有清晰充分的理解?(Do I have a clear understanding of the core ideas in my topic statement?)
2. 经过之前几步文献检索工作挑选出来的文献库是否能够支撑那些核心观点?(Are these core ideas backed up adequately by my literature search?)
3. 基于对文献的初步筛选,整理,和组织,主题声明是否发生改变?(Based on the literature search, how has my topic statement changed?)
4. 回顾构建出来的核心观点图谱和作者图谱,反思之前确定的主题是否过于宽泛或过于狭窄?(In reviewing my core idea and author maps, have I chosen too broad or too narrow a topic?)
1. 我真正想研究的是什么问题?(What am I actually trying to study?)
2. 我不想研究哪些问题?(What am I not going to study?)
从整理文献所得的结果来审视是否存在缺失和不足,是一个扩展主题的好方法。(Examining the omissions and weaknesses that the literature search reveals is also a good way to expand the topic statement.)
1. 足够勤奋,且耐得住性子。(Be diligent. Slow down. Completing the many tasks necessary for a high-quality literature search is time consuming. However, the various tasks you perform correctly now will save time in the future. Careful, accurate research done once is much more efficient than hurried research that must be repeated again and again. )
2. 一定要组织收集到的材料。(Organize. Careful organization of information at the beginning will save you from the daunting task of trying to organize at the end when there is far too much material.)