Navicat BI Viewer Crack

Navicat BI Viewer Crack

  Key Features of Navicat BI Viewer :

  System-Wide Dark Mode: Allows for a more comfortable viewing experience by applying dark mode across the application.

  Navigation Pane: Access and manage local and cloud-stored workspace files. This pane can be shown or hidden as needed.

  Content Pane: Displays workspaces and allows switching between different view styles (Detail or Icon).

  Information Pane: Provides general information about the workspace and project details. Can be shown or hidden.

Navicat BI Viewer Crack_第1张图片

  Dashboard List Pane: Lists all dashboards within a workspace, allowing easy navigation.

  Pages Pane: Shows thumbnails of each page in a dashboard for quick access.

  Dashboard Pane: Displays the selected dashboard page with interactive elements like tooltips.

  Properties Pane: Shows detailed information about the current dashboard, with options to view or hide.

  Present Mode: Full-screen mode for presentations, allowing you to focus on a dashboard and navigate between pages using arrow keys.

  Chart Interaction: Clicking on data points updates related charts on the dashboard page.

  Sorting Charts: Organize data in charts with a single click, including sorting by value.

  Print & Export: Options to print dashboards directly or export them as PDF, PNG, SVG, or JPG files.

  Focus Mode: Minimizes distractions by focusing solely on the active form in full-screen mode.

  Share via URI: Share workspaces through a URL that others can use to access the files.

  Search Filter: Quickly find objects by entering search terms in the search box.
