SharePoint 自定义开发chart web part

<g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 966px; HEIGHT: 4960px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "9650,49230" filled = "f" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "t" strokecolor = "black" strokeweight = "1.5pt" path = " m25,20 l25,49200 at25,49185,35,49195,-70,49140,-20,49190 m30,49195 l9620,49195 at9605,49185,9615,49195,9560,49190,9610,49140 m9615,49190 l9615,20 at9605,25,9615,35,9610,-20,9560,-70 m9610,25 l30,25 at25,25,35,35,-20,-70,-70,-18 e"><g_vml_:stroke opacity = "3932f" miterlimit = "10" joinstyle = "miter" endcap = "flat"><g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 966px; HEIGHT: 4960px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "9650,49230" filled = "f" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "t" strokecolor = "black" strokeweight = "1.5pt" path = " m15,15 l15,49205 at15,49185,35,49205,-125,49145,-25,49245 m25,49205 l9625,49205 at9605,49185,9625,49205,9565,49245,9665,49145 m9625,49195 l9625,15 at9605,15,9625,35,9665,-25,9565,-125 m9615,15 l25,15 at15,15,35,35,-25,-125,-125,-20 e"><g_vml_:stroke opacity = "3145f" miterlimit = "10" joinstyle = "miter" endcap = "flat"><g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 966px; HEIGHT: 4960px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "9650,49230" filled = "f" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "t" strokecolor = "black" strokeweight = "1.5pt" path = " m5,10 l5,49210 at5,49185,35,49215,-180,49150,-30,49300 m20,49215 l9630,49215 at9605,49185,9635,49215,9570,49300,9720,49150 m9635,49200 l9635,10 at9605,5,9635,35,9720,-30,9570,-180 m9620,5 l20,5 at5,5,35,35,-30,-180,-180,-23 e"><g_vml_:stroke opacity = "2516f" miterlimit = "10" joinstyle = "miter" endcap = "flat"><g_vml_:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 966px; HEIGHT: 4960px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "9650,49230" filled = "t" fillcolor = "black" stroked = "f" path = " m25,25 l25,49205 at25,49205,25,49205,-25,49155,-25,49155 l9625,49205 at9625,49205,9625,49205,9575,49155,9575,49155 l9625,25 at9625,25,9625,25,9575,-25,9575,-25 l25,25 at25,25,25,25,-25,-25,-25,-25 e"><g_vml_:fill src = "//" type = "tile" opacity = "1" position = "0,0">

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Adding graphs to SharePoint webparts

Last week I was creating a client dashboard for displaying some contact data for a handful of key clients in a particular business area. I thought it would be good to add a graph that displays the number of matters (legal cases) we've handled for each client over the last 10 years, so contact managers viewing the dashboard have a quick view of the trend in work we've received from each client. This turns out to be a whole lot easier than I thought it was going to be. This is what I did.

The solution is based on a series of connected webparts, with one webpart supplying all the other webparts with client information. One of these webparts creates a list of all the open matters (legal cases) and has the graph that shows the trend in the flow of matters over the previous 10 year period.

To create the graph;

1. Add a reference to the Microsoft.Web.UI.DataVisualization.dll (the .Net 3.5 version). I'm developing on a Win 7 x64 machine with SharePoint 2010 Enterprise installed, and I have the dll here: c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Chart Controls\Assemblies.

2. Add the using statement.


3. Add a chart to the webpart

privateChart chart;

4. Initialize the chart in the OnInit event

protectedoverridevoidOnInit(EventArgs e){base.OnInit(e);

chart =newChart();


5. Add the chart to the page in the CreateChildControls method

6. Populate the chart. I'm doing this in the OnPreRender method, because I need to wait for the client information to be passed to the webpart from a provider webpart.

The first thing I do is get the information from our accounts SQL database. All I'm returning is a datareader containing two columns, YearCount (the number of matters for that year), and Year (the year).

After getting the data, all I need to do is iterate through the datareader rows, and add x & y points for each row to a series. Then I pass the series back to the chart, create a chart area, add the series to the chart, and presto, all done. Here's what the code looks like (other code I'm using that's not relevant to the chart has been left omitted).

protectedoverridevoidOnPreRender(EventArgs e){base.OnPreRender(e);try{...PopulateChart(_selectedClientNumbers);...}catch(Exception exception){...}}privatevoidPopulateChart(string clientNumbers){try{Series s =GetHistoricalMatterInfo(clientNumbers);if(s==null){return;}




chart.TextAntiAliasingQuality=TextAntiAliasingQuality.High;ChartArea ca =newChartArea();




ca.AxisY.Title="Matters Opened";

ca.AxisX.Title="Matter Activity, Recent Years";





chart.Visible=false;  }}privateSeriesGetHistoricalMatterInfo(string selectedClientNumbers){Series series =newSeries();




series.BackGradientStyle=GradientStyle.TopBottom;SqlConnectionStringBuilder cs =newSqlConnectionStringBuilder();




cs.InitialCatalog=SqlServerDatabase;SqlConnection conn =newSqlConnection(cs.ConnectionString);String[] clients = selectedClientNumbers.Split(',');String clientsIn =String.Empty;foreach(string s in clients){

clientsIn +=String.Format("'{0}',", s.Trim());}

clientsIn = clientsIn.TrimEnd(',');try{

conn.Open();SqlCommand command =newSqlCommand((String.Format(GetClientsMatterHistory, clientsIn)), conn);

command.CommandType=CommandType.Text;SqlDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader();if(r ==null){


 var yearCountObj =(int)r["YearCount"];

 var yearObj =(int)r["Year"];

 var p =newDataPoint();

 p.XValue= yearObj;



r.Close();return series;}catch{returnnull;}finally{

7. Update the web.config file for (each) SharePoint web application that will host the webpart,
adding the DataVisualization.Charting http handler. Without making further changes to your web.config, your web application will need to have access to the C:\TempImages directory as well.



<addname="ChartImg"verb="*"path="ChartImg.axd"type="System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartHttpHandler, System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/></handlers></system.webServer>

8. Build and deploy!

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