

"There is nothing either  good or bad

but thinking makes it so”

This sentence is from  Shakespeare's  "Hamlet", one of the four tragedies.


Indeed, because there is nothing absolutely good or bad in the world, Those things that we think  good  or  bad is only relative, It's just what we think. in fact everything  is constantly moving,  and it is impossible to stay still forever


For example,people can't walk into a same river twice,because things always is change,so there is something looks good now,maybe change a bad things,so_called,Fortune and misfortune depend on each other,

For example, it is often said in philosophy that people cannot walk into the same river twice, just because things are always changing; In addition, there is this saying in China that misfortune and good fortune depend on each other,that's means  there are  some  good things  that look good now,  which may become bad things in the future, There's another saying,'The  east side  of the 30-year river, The west side of the  30-year river,' and so on,that's what they all mean.

So,good or bad now is also relative,It's not abosulot,It's only our minset made it,so we must learn to think about problems in a dialectical way,so I can do this,In this way, we can do it without pain in times of adversity and arrogance in times of success.Always look at all problems calmly
