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PyODE is a set of open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine, an open-source physics engine.


pymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2d physics library that can be used whenever you need 2d rigid body physics from Python. It is built on top of the very nice 2d physics library Chipmunk,

Make 2d physics easy to include in your game :)

It is (or striving to be):Easy to use It should be easy to use, no complicated stuff should be needed to add physics to your game/program.

"Pythonic" It should not be visible that a c-library (chipmunk) is in the bottom, it should feel like a python library (no strange naming, OO, no memory handling and more)

Simple to build & install You shouldnt need to have a zillion of libraries installed to make it install, or do a lot of command line trixs.

Multiplatform Should work on both windows, nix and OSX.

Non-intrusive It should not put restrictions on how you structure your program and not force you to use a special game loop, it should be possible to use with other libraries like pygame and pyglet.


2D physics library for Python under the very liberal zlib license.


2011/5/20: Pure Python port

I started a new Pure Python port of Box2D recently (that means no more SWIG!). It's still in the early stages, but see here for more information.
