django 刷新缓存,Django缓存不会刷新

I've added a simple caching to my web application and when I delete or add new object the cache does not get refreshed after the peroid of time (2 minutes) that I've set.

It looks like it froze. When I restart my application then it gets refreshed.

I tried it on memached and locmemcache.

INDEX_LIST_CACHE_KEY = "index_list_cache_key"

class IndexView(BaseView):

queryset = Advert.objects.all().select_related('category', 'location')[:25]

template_name = "adverts/category_view.html"

def get_queryset(self):

queryset = cache.get(INDEX_LIST_CACHE_KEY)

if queryset is None:

queryset = self.queryset

cache.set(INDEX_LIST_CACHE_KEY, queryset, 2 * 60)

return queryset

Why caching behaves like that in this project?

Edit -

for locmemcache


'default': {

'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',

'LOCATION': 'oglos-cache'



for memcached


'default': {

'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',





Because by slicing the queryset in the class definition, you've evaluated it then and there - at class definition time, ie when the server starts up. So the cache is being refreshed, but only with an old set of items. Don't do that slice at class level: do it when returning the results from get_queryset.
