
VS2022刚刚升级到了17.2.0的版本,宣称是已完全支持C++20。按默认的安装方式,一般是不会安装标准库的模块文件的,需要打开Visual Studio Installer,安装单独的“C++ 模块”组件(在单个组件搜索时一定得加那个空格)。模块安装完成后,按微软的官方文档,将项目属性->C/C++->语言页内:C++语言标准设置成:/std:c++20,启用实验性的C++标准库模块:是(/experimental:module)。

import std.core;

int main()
	const size_t max{ 100 };	// Number of primes required
	long primes[max]{ 2L };	    // First prime defined
	size_t count{ 1 };		    // Count of primes found so far
	long trial{ 3L };		    // Candidate prime

	while (count < max)
		bool isPrime{ true };	// Indicates when a prime is found
		// Try dividing the candidate by all the primes we have
		for (size_t i{}; i < count && isPrime; ++i)
			isPrime = trial % *(primes + i) > 0;	// False for exact division

		if (isPrime)
			// We got one...
			*(primes + count++) = trial;			// ...so save it in primes array
		trial += 2;			    // Next value for checking

	// Output primes 10 to a line
	std::cout << "The first " << max << " primes are:\n";
	for (size_t i{}; i < max; ++i)
		std::cout << std::format("{:7}", *(primes + i));
		if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0)  // Newline after every 10th prime
			std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << std::endl;


1>C:\Users\水龙月\source\repos\Beginning C++20\Chapter 06\Example_05\Main.cpp(1,16): warning C5050: 导入模块“std.core”时可能不兼容的环境: _GUARDOVERFLOW_CRT_ALLOCATORS=1 is defined in current command line and not in module command line
1>C:\Users\水龙月\source\repos\Beginning C++20\Chapter 06\Example_05\Main.cpp(1,16): warning C5050: 导入模块“std.core”时可能不兼容的环境: _DEBUG is defined in current command line and not in module command line
1>C:\Users\水龙月\source\repos\Beginning C++20\Chapter 06\Example_05\Main.cpp(1,16): warning C5050: 导入模块“std.core”时可能不兼容的环境: _M_FP_PRECISE is defined in current command line and not in module command line
1>C:\Users\水龙月\source\repos\Beginning C++20\Chapter 06\Example_05\Main.cpp(1,16): warning C5050: 导入模块“std.core”时可能不兼容的环境: mismatched C++ versions.  Current "202002" module version "202004"







