Median of Two Sorted Arrays

There are two sorted arrays A and B of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).

class Solution {
     double findMedianSortedArrays( int A[],  int m,  int B[],  int n) {
         if((m+n)% 2== 1)
             return find(A,m,B,n,(m+n)/ 2+ 1);
             return (find(A,m,B,n,(m+n)/ 2)+find(A,m,B,n,(m+n)/ 2+ 1))/ 2.0;
     double find( int* A, int m, int* B, int n, int order)
         if(m== 0)
             return B[order- 1];
         if(n== 0)
             return A[order- 1];
         if(order== 1)
             return A[ 0]<B[ 0]?A[ 0]:B[ 0];       
         int mcheck=m>(order/ 2)?order/ 2:m;
         int ncheck=n>(order/ 2)?order/ 2:n;
         if(A[mcheck- 1]<B[ncheck- 1])
                 return find(A+mcheck,m-mcheck,B,n,order-mcheck);
                 return find(A,m,B+ncheck,n-ncheck,order-ncheck);
