I wrote a short tidbit on how to install FMS 2 and 3 on Ubuntu.. I may as well continue the pattern.
I picked up the patch file here:
So to layout the process:
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install libnspr4-dev
If you’re going to let the Flash Media Server installer install Apache at the same time you’ll need to run a few other commands.
Make sure you have the libexpat library installed:
sudo apt-get install libexpat1
Then create a link to it so that when FMS starts up Apache it will find the library:
ln -s /usr/lib/libexpat.so.1 /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0
Now download Flash Media Server 3, unzip the file and copy FlashMediaServer3.tar.gz over to your Ubuntu box. Don’t untar the .tar.gz file on windows and copy the files over to linux - this way file permissions will be wrong and the patch won’t work. Then
tar xfz FlashMediaServer3.tar.gz
cd FMS_3_5_0_r405
patch -p1 < fms-3.5-ubuntu.patch
sudo ./installFMS
You can later uninstall the server:
cd /opt/adobe/fms
sudo ./uninstallFMS