SharePoint 2010 bug

1:SharePoint项目刚好在一个solution folder(VS中的解决方案文件夹)里面,新建list definition(列表定义)时找不到自定义的内容类型

步骤重现,先定义一个content type,用vs2010 deploy上去。在新建list definition,选择模版list definition from content type,进入下一步,结果找不到我刚才的自定义content type。郁闷了几个小时,找遍微软的帮助。最终解决方案是,把project拖到solution根目录下就可以了。由于我的project是在一个 solution folder下面。这真是管用的奇淫技巧,微软太忽悠我们了

2: 部署内容类型(Content Type)的问题

1)   Error occurred in deployment step Activate Features” The content type with Id ‘xx’ defined in feature ‘yy’ was found in the current site collection or in a subsite.



2)   Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': The field with Id {a6a841d7-4067-4519-b794-e25ac438e9cf} defined in feature {a6192d76-512f-48de-9284-251b49902345} was found in the current site collection or in a subsite.



1. F5 (Deploy the solution)

2. Shift +F5 (Retract the solution)

3. Again F5.  This time it will fail.

4. Open the task manager and kill VSSPHost4 process.

5. Now F5 and the solution gets deployed successfully.


