


$.fn.flexGetRows = function () { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.getRows();


$.fn.addRows = function (rowList) { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.addRows(rowList);


$.fn.getSelectRowsToGrid = function () { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.getSelectRowsToGrid();


$.fn.getGridAllRows = function () { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.getGridAllRows();


$.fn.getGridAllRowsForObj = function () { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.getGridAllRowsForObj();


$.fn.clearSelect = function () { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.clearSelect();


$.fn.deleteSelectRows = function () { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.deleteSelectRows();


$.fn.queryData = function (params) { // function to add data to grid danielinbiti

	return this[0].grid.queryData(params);




onRowClick:function(){return true},//add by danielinbiti




 * Flexigrid for jQuery -  v1.1


 * Copyright (c) 2008 Paulo P. Marinas (code.google.com/p/flexigrid/)

 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.

 * http://jquery.org/license



(function ($) {

	$.addFlex = function (t, p) {

		if (t.grid) return false; //return if already exist

		p = $.extend({ //apply default properties

			height: 200, //default height

			width: 'auto', //auto width

			striped: true, //apply odd even stripes

			novstripe: false,

			minwidth: 30, //min width of columns

			minheight: 80, //min height of columns

			resizable: true, //allow table resizing

			url: false, //URL if using data from AJAX


			method: 'POST', //data sending method

			dataType: 'xml', //type of data for AJAX, either xml or json

			errormsg: 'Connection Error',

			usepager: false,

			nowrap: true,

			page: 1, //current page

			total: 1, //total pages

			useRp: true, //use the results per page select box

			rp: 15, //results per page

			rpOptions: [10, 15, 20, 30, 50], //allowed per-page values 

			title: false,

			pagestat: 'Displaying {from} to {to} of {total} items',

			pagetext: 'Page',

			outof: 'of',

			findtext: 'Find',

			procmsg: 'Processing, please wait ...',

			query: '',

			qtype: '',

			nomsg: 'No items',

			minColToggle: 1, //minimum allowed column to be hidden

			showToggleBtn: true, //show or hide column toggle popup

			hideOnSubmit: true,

			autoload: true,

			blockOpacity: 0.5,

			preProcess: false,

			onDragCol: false,

			onToggleCol: false,

			onChangeSort: false,

			onSuccess: false,

			onError: false,

			onRowClick:function(){return true},//add by jej

			onSubmit: false //using a custom populate function

		}, p);

		$(t).show() //show if hidden


				cellPadding: 0,

				cellSpacing: 0,

				border: 0

			}) //remove padding and spacing

			.removeAttr('width'); //remove width properties

		//create grid class

		var g = {

			hset: {},

			rePosDrag: function () {

				var cdleft = 0 - this.hDiv.scrollLeft;

				if (this.hDiv.scrollLeft > 0) cdleft -= Math.floor(p.cgwidth / 2);


					top: g.hDiv.offsetTop + 1


				var cdpad = this.cdpad;

				$('div', g.cDrag).hide();

				$('thead tr:first th:visible', this.hDiv).each(function () {

					var n = $('thead tr:first th:visible', g.hDiv).index(this);

					var cdpos = parseInt($('div', this).width());

					if (cdleft == 0) cdleft -= Math.floor(p.cgwidth / 2);

					cdpos = cdpos + cdleft + cdpad;

					if (isNaN(cdpos)) {

						cdpos = 0;


					$('div:eq(' + n + ')', g.cDrag).css({

						'left': cdpos + 'px'


					cdleft = cdpos;



			fixHeight: function (newH) {

				newH = false;

				if (!newH) newH = $(g.bDiv).height();

				var hdHeight = $(this.hDiv).height();

				$('div', this.cDrag).each(

					function () {

						$(this).height(newH + hdHeight);



				var nd = parseInt($(g.nDiv).height());

				if (nd > newH) $(g.nDiv).height(newH).width(200);

				else $(g.nDiv).height('auto').width('auto');


					height: newH,

					marginBottom: (newH * -1)


				var hrH = g.bDiv.offsetTop + newH;

				if (p.height != 'auto' && p.resizable) hrH = g.vDiv.offsetTop;


					height: hrH



			dragStart: function (dragtype, e, obj) { //default drag function start

				if (dragtype == 'colresize') {//column resize



					var n = $('div', this.cDrag).index(obj);

					var ow = $('th:visible div:eq(' + n + ')', this.hDiv).width();



					this.colresize = {

						startX: e.pageX,

						ol: parseInt(obj.style.left),

						ow: ow,

						n: n


					$('body').css('cursor', 'col-resize');

				} else if (dragtype == 'vresize') {//table resize

					var hgo = false;

					$('body').css('cursor', 'row-resize');

					if (obj) {

						hgo = true;

						$('body').css('cursor', 'col-resize');


					this.vresize = {

						h: p.height,

						sy: e.pageY,

						w: p.width,

						sx: e.pageX,

						hgo: hgo


				} else if (dragtype == 'colMove') {//column header drag



					this.hset = $(this.hDiv).offset();

					this.hset.right = this.hset.left + $('table', this.hDiv).width();

					this.hset.bottom = this.hset.top + $('table', this.hDiv).height();

					this.dcol = obj;

					this.dcoln = $('th', this.hDiv).index(obj);

					this.colCopy = document.createElement("div");

					this.colCopy.className = "colCopy";

					this.colCopy.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML;

					if ($.browser.msie) {

						this.colCopy.className = "colCopy ie";



						position: 'absolute',

						float: 'left',

						display: 'none',

						textAlign: obj.align







			dragMove: function (e) {

				if (this.colresize) {//column resize

					var n = this.colresize.n;

					var diff = e.pageX - this.colresize.startX;

					var nleft = this.colresize.ol + diff;

					var nw = this.colresize.ow + diff;

					if (nw > p.minwidth) {

						$('div:eq(' + n + ')', this.cDrag).css('left', nleft);

						this.colresize.nw = nw;


				} else if (this.vresize) {//table resize

					var v = this.vresize;

					var y = e.pageY;

					var diff = y - v.sy;

					if (!p.defwidth) p.defwidth = p.width;

					if (p.width != 'auto' && !p.nohresize && v.hgo) {

						var x = e.pageX;

						var xdiff = x - v.sx;

						var newW = v.w + xdiff;

						if (newW > p.defwidth) {

							this.gDiv.style.width = newW + 'px';

							p.width = newW;



					var newH = v.h + diff;

					if ((newH > p.minheight || p.height < p.minheight) && !v.hgo) {

						this.bDiv.style.height = newH + 'px';

						p.height = newH;



					v = null;

				} else if (this.colCopy) {


					if (e.pageX > this.hset.right || e.pageX < this.hset.left || e.pageY > this.hset.bottom || e.pageY < this.hset.top) {


						$('body').css('cursor', 'move');

					} else {

						$('body').css('cursor', 'pointer');



						top: e.pageY + 10,

						left: e.pageX + 20,

						display: 'block'




			dragEnd: function () {

				if (this.colresize) {

					var n = this.colresize.n;

					var nw = this.colresize.nw;

					$('th:visible div:eq(' + n + ')', this.hDiv).css('width', nw);

					$('tr', this.bDiv).each(

						function () {

							$('td:visible div:eq(' + n + ')', this).css('width', nw);



					this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;

					$('div:eq(' + n + ')', this.cDrag).siblings().show();

					$('.dragging', this.cDrag).removeClass('dragging');



					this.colresize = false;

				} else if (this.vresize) {

					this.vresize = false;

				} else if (this.colCopy) {


					if (this.dcolt != null) {

						if (this.dcoln > this.dcolt) $('th:eq(' + this.dcolt + ')', this.hDiv).before(this.dcol);

						else $('th:eq(' + this.dcolt + ')', this.hDiv).after(this.dcol);

						this.switchCol(this.dcoln, this.dcolt);




						if (p.onDragCol) {

							p.onDragCol(this.dcoln, this.dcolt);



					this.dcol = null;

					this.hset = null;

					this.dcoln = null;

					this.dcolt = null;

					this.colCopy = null;

					$('.thMove', this.hDiv).removeClass('thMove');



				$('body').css('cursor', 'default');



			toggleCol: function (cid, visible) {

				var ncol = $("th[axis='col" + cid + "']", this.hDiv)[0];

				var n = $('thead th', g.hDiv).index(ncol);

				var cb = $('input[value=' + cid + ']', g.nDiv)[0];

				if (visible == null) {

					visible = ncol.hidden;


				if ($('input:checked', g.nDiv).length < p.minColToggle && !visible) {

					return false;


				if (visible) {

					ncol.hidden = false;


					cb.checked = true;

				} else {

					ncol.hidden = true;


					cb.checked = false;


				$('tbody tr', t).each(

					function () {

						if (visible) {

							$('td:eq(' + n + ')', this).show();

						} else {

							$('td:eq(' + n + ')', this).hide();





				if (p.onToggleCol) {

					p.onToggleCol(cid, visible);


				return visible;


			switchCol: function (cdrag, cdrop) { //switch columns

				$('tbody tr', t).each(

					function () {

						if (cdrag > cdrop) $('td:eq(' + cdrop + ')', this).before($('td:eq(' + cdrag + ')', this));

						else $('td:eq(' + cdrop + ')', this).after($('td:eq(' + cdrag + ')', this));



				//switch order in nDiv

				if (cdrag > cdrop) {

					$('tr:eq(' + cdrop + ')', this.nDiv).before($('tr:eq(' + cdrag + ')', this.nDiv));

				} else {

					$('tr:eq(' + cdrop + ')', this.nDiv).after($('tr:eq(' + cdrag + ')', this.nDiv));


				if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7.0) {

					$('tr:eq(' + cdrop + ') input', this.nDiv)[0].checked = true;


				this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;


			scroll: function () {

				this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;



			getRows: function(){

				//add by jej

				var rtnList = new Array();

				var objRows = $('.trSelected', $(t));


					for(var i=0;i<objRows.length;i++){

						 var row = objRows[i];

						 var rowMap = new Object();

						 for(var j=0;j<row.cells.length;j++){

					       var cellName = p.colModel[j].name;

					       var value = row.cells[j].innerText;


					       var s = "rowMap." + cellName + '="'+ value + '"';



					   rtnList[rtnList.length] = rowMap;



				return rtnList;


			getSelectRowsToGrid: function(){

				//add by jej

				var rtnList = new Array();

				var objRows = $('.trSelected', $(t));


					for(var i=0;i<objRows.length;i++){

						 var row = objRows[i];

						 var arr = new Array();

						 for(var j=0;j<row.cells.length;j++){

					       var value = row.cells[j].innerText;


					       arr[j] = value;


					   rtnList[rtnList.length] = arr;



				return rtnList;



	    	var json = eval('(' + str + ')'); 

	    	return json; 


    	getGridAllRows :function(){

    		 var rtnList = new Array();

    		 $('tbody tr',$(t)).each(function () {

    			var arr = new Array();

    			for(var i=0;i<this.cells.length;i++){

					    var value = this.cells[i].innerText;


					    arr[i] = value;


					rtnList[rtnList.length] = arr;


    		return rtnList;


    	getGridAllRowsForObj :function(){

    		 var rtnList = new Array();

    		 $('tbody tr',$(t)).each(function () {

    			var rowMap = new Object();

    			for(var i=0;i<this.cells.length;i++){

    					var cellName = p.colModel[i].name;

					    var value = this.cells[i].innerText;


					    var s = "rowMap." + cellName + '="'+ value + '"';



					rtnList[rtnList.length] = rowMap;


    		return rtnList;



    		var objRows = $('.trSelected', $(t));

    		for(var i=0;i<objRows.length;i++){





    		var objRows = $('.trSelected', $(t));

    		for(var i=0;i<objRows.length;i++){






					var rowList = this.getGridAllRows();

					for(var i=0;i<inrowList.length;i++){

					    rowList[rowList.length] = inrowList[i];


					var str = '{"total":"1","page":"0","rows":[';

					for(var i=0;i<rowList.length;i++){

						var rowArr = rowList[i];

						var rowstr = '{"id":"'+i+'","cell":[';

						for(var j=0;j<rowArr.length;j++){


							 	 rowstr = rowstr + ',';


							 rowstr = rowstr + '"' + rowArr[j] + '"';


						rowstr = rowstr + ']}';


							str = str + ',';


						str = str + rowstr;


					str = str + ']}';

					var inData = this.strToJson(str);

					//var tbodylist = $('tbody', $(t));

					//var flag = false;


					//	flag = true;





			addData: function (data,isAppend) { //parse data

				if (p.dataType == 'json') {

					data = $.extend({rows: [], page: 0, total: 0}, data);


				if (p.preProcess) {

					data = p.preProcess(data);


				$('.pReload', this.pDiv).removeClass('loading');

				this.loading = false;

				if (!data) {

					$('.pPageStat', this.pDiv).html(p.errormsg);

					return false;


				if (p.dataType == 'xml') {

					p.total = +$('rows total', data).text();

				} else {

					p.total = data.total;


				if (p.total == 0) {

					$('tr, a, td, div', t).unbind();


					p.pages = 1;

					p.page = 1;


					$('.pPageStat', this.pDiv).html(p.nomsg);

					return false;


				p.pages = Math.ceil(p.total / p.rp);

				if (p.dataType == 'xml') {

					p.page = +$('rows page', data).text();

				} else {

					p.page = data.page;



				//build new body

				var tbody = null;


					var tbodylist = $('tbody', $(t));

					tbody = tbodylist[0];


					tbody = document.createElement('tbody');


				if (p.dataType == 'json') {

					$.each(data.rows, function (i, row) {

						var tr = document.createElement('tr');

						if (i % 2 && p.striped) {

							tr.className = 'erow';


						if (row.id) {

							tr.id = 'row' + row.id;


						$('thead tr:first th', g.hDiv).each( //add cell

							function () {

								var td = document.createElement('td');

								var idx = $(this).attr('axis').substr(3);

								td.align = this.align;

								// If the json elements aren't named (which is typical), use numeric order

								if (typeof row.cell[idx] != "undefined") {

									td.innerHTML = (row.cell[idx] != null) ? row.cell[idx] : '';//null-check for Opera-browser

								} else {

									td.innerHTML = row.cell[p.colModel[idx].name];


								$(td).attr('abbr', $(this).attr('abbr'));


								td = null;



						if ($('thead', this.gDiv).length < 1) {//handle if grid has no headers

							for (idx = 0; idx < cell.length; idx++) {

								var td = document.createElement('td');

								// If the json elements aren't named (which is typical), use numeric order

								if (typeof row.cell[idx] != "undefined") {

									td.innerHTML = (row.cell[idx] != null) ? row.cell[idx] : '';//null-check for Opera-browser

								} else {

									td.innerHTML = row.cell[p.colModel[idx].name];



								td = null;




						tr = null;


				} else if (p.dataType == 'xml') {

					var i = 1;

					$("rows row", data).each(function () {


						var tr = document.createElement('tr');

						if (i % 2 && p.striped) {

							tr.className = 'erow';


						var nid = $(this).attr('id');

						if (nid) {

							tr.id = 'row' + nid;


						nid = null;

						var robj = this;

						$('thead tr:first th', g.hDiv).each(function () {

							var td = document.createElement('td');

							var idx = $(this).attr('axis').substr(3);

							td.align = this.align;

							td.innerHTML = $("cell:eq(" + idx + ")", robj).text();

							$(td).attr('abbr', $(this).attr('abbr'));


							td = null;


						if ($('thead', this.gDiv).length < 1) {//handle if grid has no headers

							$('cell', this).each(function () {

								var td = document.createElement('td');

								td.innerHTML = $(this).text();


								td = null;




						tr = null;

						robj = null;



				$('tr', t).unbind();








				tbody = null;

				data = null;

				i = null;

				if (p.onSuccess) {



				if (p.hideOnSubmit) {



				this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;

				if ($.browser.opera) {

					$(t).css('visibility', 'visible');



			changeSort: function (th) { //change sortorder

				if (this.loading) {

					return true;




				if (p.sortname == $(th).attr('abbr')) {

					if (p.sortorder == 'asc') {

						p.sortorder = 'desc';

					} else {

						p.sortorder = 'asc';




				$('.sdesc', this.hDiv).removeClass('sdesc');

				$('.sasc', this.hDiv).removeClass('sasc');

				$('div', th).addClass('s' + p.sortorder);

				p.sortname = $(th).attr('abbr');

				if (p.onChangeSort) {

					p.onChangeSort(p.sortname, p.sortorder);

				} else {




			buildpager: function () { //rebuild pager based on new properties

				$('.pcontrol input', this.pDiv).val(p.page);

				$('.pcontrol span', this.pDiv).html(p.pages);

				var r1 = (p.page - 1) * p.rp + 1;

				var r2 = r1 + p.rp - 1;

				if (p.total < r2) {

					r2 = p.total;


				var stat = p.pagestat;

				stat = stat.replace(/{from}/, r1);

				stat = stat.replace(/{to}/, r2);

				stat = stat.replace(/{total}/, p.total);

				$('.pPageStat', this.pDiv).html(stat);





			populate: function (queryCond) { //get latest data

				if (this.loading) {

					return true;


				if (p.onSubmit) {

					var gh = p.onSubmit();

					if (!gh) {

						return false;



				this.loading = true;

				if (!p.url) {

					return false;


				$('.pPageStat', this.pDiv).html(p.procmsg);

				$('.pReload', this.pDiv).addClass('loading');


					top: g.bDiv.offsetTop


				if (p.hideOnSubmit) {



				if ($.browser.opera) {

					$(t).css('visibility', 'hidden');


				if (!p.newp) {

					p.newp = 1;


				if (p.page > p.pages) {

					p.page = p.pages;


				var param = [{

					name: 'page',

					value: p.newp

				}, {

					name: 'rp',

					value: p.rp

				}, {

					name: 'sortname',

					value: p.sortname

				}, {

					name: 'sortorder',

					value: p.sortorder

				}, {

					name: 'query',

					value: p.query

				}, {

					name: 'qtype',

					value: p.qtype





				if (p.params) {

					for (var pi = 0; pi < p.params.length; pi++) {

						param[param.length] = p.params[pi];




					if(typeof p.dwrAction =="function"){





						type: p.method,

						url: p.url,

						data: param,

						dataType: p.dataType,

						success: function (data) {



						error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

							try {

								if (p.onError) p.onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown);

							} catch (e) {}





			doSearch: function () {

				p.query = $('input[name=q]', g.sDiv).val();

				p.qtype = $('select[name=qtype]', g.sDiv).val();

				p.newp = 1;



			changePage: function (ctype) { //change page

				if (this.loading) {

					return true;


				switch (ctype) {

					case 'first':

						p.newp = 1;


					case 'prev':

						if (p.page > 1) {

							p.newp = parseInt(p.page) - 1;



					case 'next':

						if (p.page < p.pages) {

							p.newp = parseInt(p.page) + 1;



					case 'last':

						p.newp = p.pages;


					case 'input':

						var nv = parseInt($('.pcontrol input', this.pDiv).val());

						if (isNaN(nv)) {

							nv = 1;


						if (nv < 1) {

							nv = 1;

						} else if (nv > p.pages) {

							nv = p.pages;


						$('.pcontrol input', this.pDiv).val(nv);

						p.newp = nv;



				if (p.newp == p.page) {

					return false;


				if (p.onChangePage) {


				} else {




			addCellProp: function () {

				$('tbody tr td', g.bDiv).each(function () {

					var tdDiv = document.createElement('div');

					var n = $('td', $(this).parent()).index(this);

					var pth = $('th:eq(' + n + ')', g.hDiv).get(0);

					if (pth != null) {

						if (p.sortname == $(pth).attr('abbr') && p.sortname) {

							this.className = 'sorted';



							textAlign: pth.align,

							width: $('div:first', pth)[0].style.width


						if (pth.hidden) {

							$(this).css('display', 'none');



					if (p.nowrap == false) {

						$(tdDiv).css('white-space', 'normal');


					if (this.innerHTML == '') {

						this.innerHTML = ' ';


					tdDiv.innerHTML = this.innerHTML;

					var prnt = $(this).parent()[0];

					var pid = false;

					if (prnt.id) {

						pid = prnt.id.substr(3);


					if (pth != null) {

						if (pth.process) pth.process(tdDiv, pid);


					$(this).empty().append(tdDiv).removeAttr('width'); //wrap content



			getCellDim: function (obj) {// get cell prop for editable event

				var ht = parseInt($(obj).height());

				var pht = parseInt($(obj).parent().height());

				var wt = parseInt(obj.style.width);

				var pwt = parseInt($(obj).parent().width());

				var top = obj.offsetParent.offsetTop;

				var left = obj.offsetParent.offsetLeft;

				var pdl = parseInt($(obj).css('paddingLeft'));

				var pdt = parseInt($(obj).css('paddingTop'));

				return {

					ht: ht,

					wt: wt,

					top: top,

					left: left,

					pdl: pdl,

					pdt: pdt,

					pht: pht,

					pwt: pwt



			addRowProp: function () {

				$('tbody tr', g.bDiv).each(function () {

					$(this).click(function (e) {

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						if(p.onRowClick && typeof(p.onRowClick)=='function'){



					}).mousedown(function (e) {

						if (e.shiftKey) {


							g.multisel = true;




					}).mouseup(function () {

						if (g.multisel) {

							g.multisel = false;



					}).hover(function (e) {

						if (g.multisel) {



					}, function () {});

					if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7.0) {

						$(this).hover(function () {


						}, function () {






			pager: 0


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				if (cm.align) {

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					$(th).attr('width', cm.width);


				if ($(cm).attr('hide')) {

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		g.cDrag = document.createElement('div'); //create column drag

		g.block = document.createElement('div'); //creat blocker

		g.nDiv = document.createElement('div'); //create column show/hide popup

		g.nBtn = document.createElement('div'); //create column show/hide button

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						paddingLeft: 20


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					btnDiv.name = btn.name;

					if (btn.onpress) {

						$(btnDiv).click(function () {

							this.onpress(this.name, g.gDiv);




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						$(btnDiv).hover(function () {


						}, function () {




				} else {

					$(tDiv2).append("<div class='btnseparator'></div>");




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				width: this.width + 'px'


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						return false;


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					} else {



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					var nv = $('th:visible', g.hDiv).index(this);

					var onl = parseInt($('div:eq(' + nv + ')', g.cDrag).css('left'));

					var nw = jQuery(g.nBtn).outerWidth();

					var nl = onl - nw + Math.floor(p.cgwidth / 2);




						'left': nl,

						top: g.hDiv.offsetTop


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						top: g.bDiv.offsetTop


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					$(cgDiv).hover(function () {



					}, function () {

						if (!g.colresize) $(this).removeClass('dragging')





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				g.dragStart('vresize', e)




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				g.dragStart('vresize', e, true);

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			if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7.0) {

				$(g.rDiv).hover(function () {


				}, function () {






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			var html = ' <div class="pGroup"> <div class="pFirst pButton"><span></span></div><div class="pPrev pButton"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="btnseparator"></div> <div class="pGroup"><span class="pcontrol">' + p.pagetext + ' <input type="text" size="4" value="1" /> ' + p.outof + ' <span> 1 </span></span></div> <div class="btnseparator"></div> <div class="pGroup"> <div class="pNext pButton"><span></span></div><div class="pLast pButton"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="btnseparator"></div> <div class="pGroup"> <div class="pReload pButton"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="btnseparator"></div> <div class="pGroup"><span class="pPageStat"></span></div>';

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			$('.pNext', g.pDiv).click(function () {



			$('.pLast', g.pDiv).click(function () {



			$('.pcontrol input', g.pDiv).keydown(function (e) {

				if (e.keyCode == 13) g.changePage('input')


			if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) $('.pButton', g.pDiv).hover(function () {


			}, function () {



			if (p.useRp) {

				var opt = '',

					sel = '';

				for (var nx = 0; nx < p.rpOptions.length; nx++) {

					if (p.rp == p.rpOptions[nx]) sel = 'selected="selected"';

					else sel = '';

					opt += "<option value='" + p.rpOptions[nx] + "' " + sel + " >" + p.rpOptions[nx] + "  </option>";


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				$('select', g.pDiv).change(function () {

					if (p.onRpChange) {


					} else {

						p.newp = 1;

						p.rp = +this.value;





			//add search button

			if (p.searchitems) {

				$('.pDiv2', g.pDiv).prepend("<div class='pGroup'> <div class='pSearch pButton'><span></span></div> </div>  <div class='btnseparator'></div>");

				$('.pSearch', g.pDiv).click(function () {

					$(g.sDiv).slideToggle('fast', function () {

						$('.sDiv:visible input:first', g.gDiv).trigger('focus');



				//add search box

				g.sDiv.className = 'sDiv';

				var sitems = p.searchitems;

				var sopt = '', sel = '';

				for (var s = 0; s < sitems.length; s++) {

					if (p.qtype == '' && sitems[s].isdefault == true) {

						p.qtype = sitems[s].name;

						sel = 'selected="selected"';

					} else {

						sel = '';


					sopt += "<option value='" + sitems[s].name + "' " + sel + " >" + sitems[s].display + "  </option>";


				if (p.qtype == '') {

					p.qtype = sitems[0].name;


				$(g.sDiv).append("<div class='sDiv2'>" + p.findtext + 

						" <input type='text' value='" + p.query +"' size='30' name='q' class='qsbox' /> "+

						" <select name='qtype'>" + sopt + "</select></div>");

				//Split into separate selectors because of bug in jQuery 1.3.2

				$('input[name=q]', g.sDiv).keydown(function (e) {

					if (e.keyCode == 13) {




				$('select[name=qtype]', g.sDiv).keydown(function (e) {

					if (e.keyCode == 13) {




				$('input[value=Clear]', g.sDiv).click(function () {

					$('input[name=q]', g.sDiv).val('');

					p.query = '';






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			g.mDiv.innerHTML = '<div class="ftitle">' + p.title + '</div>';


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				$(g.mDiv).append('<div class="ptogtitle" title="Minimize/Maximize Table"><span></span></div>');

				$('div.ptogtitle', g.mDiv).click(function () {






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			height: gh,

			background: 'white',

			position: 'relative',

			marginBottom: (gh * -1),

			zIndex: 1,

			top: gtop,

			left: '0px'


		$(g.block).fadeTo(0, p.blockOpacity);

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			g.nDiv.className = 'nDiv';

			g.nDiv.innerHTML = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tbody></tbody></table>";


				marginBottom: (gh * -1),

				display: 'none',

				top: gtop


			var cn = 0;

			$('th div', g.hDiv).each(function () {

				var kcol = $("th[axis='col" + cn + "']", g.hDiv)[0];

				var chk = 'checked="checked"';

				if (kcol.style.display == 'none') {

					chk = '';


				$('tbody', g.nDiv).append('<tr><td class="ndcol1"><input type="checkbox" ' + chk + ' class="togCol" value="' + cn + '" /></td><td class="ndcol2">' + this.innerHTML + '</td></tr>');



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			}, function () {



			$('td.ndcol2', g.nDiv).click(function () {

				if ($('input:checked', g.nDiv).length <= p.minColToggle && $(this).prev().find('input')[0].checked) return false;

				return g.toggleCol($(this).prev().find('input').val());


			$('input.togCol', g.nDiv).click(function () {

				if ($('input:checked', g.nDiv).length < p.minColToggle && this.checked == false) return false;






				.attr('title', 'Hide/Show Columns')

				.click(function () {


					return true;



			if (p.showToggleBtn) {




		// add date edit layer


			display: 'none'



		// add flexigrid events

		$(g.bDiv).hover(function () {



		}, function () {

			if (g.multisel) {

				g.multisel = false;



		$(g.gDiv).hover(function () {}, function () {




		//add document events

		$(document).mousemove(function (e) {


		}).mouseup(function (e) {


		}).hover(function () {}, function () {



		//browser adjustments

		if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7.0) {

			$('.hDiv,.bDiv,.mDiv,.pDiv,.vGrip,.tDiv, .sDiv', g.gDiv).css({

				width: '100%'



			if (p.width != 'auto') {






		//make grid functions accessible

		t.p = p;

		t.grid = g;

		// load data

		if (p.url && p.autoload) {



		return t;


	var docloaded = false;

	$(document).ready(function () {

		docloaded = true


	$.fn.flexigrid = function (p) {

		return this.each(function () {

			if (!docloaded) {


				var t = this;

				$(document).ready(function () {

					$.addFlex(t, p);


			} else {

				$.addFlex(this, p);



	}; //end flexigrid

	$.fn.flexReload = function (p) { // function to reload grid

		return this.each(function () {

			if (this.grid && this.p.url) this.grid.populate();


	}; //end flexReload

	$.fn.flexOptions = function (p) { //function to update general options

		return this.each(function () {

			if (this.grid) $.extend(this.p, p);


	}; //end flexOptions

	$.fn.flexToggleCol = function (cid, visible) { // function to reload grid

		return this.each(function () {

			if (this.grid) this.grid.toggleCol(cid, visible);


	}; //end flexToggleCol

	$.fn.flexAddData = function (data) { // function to add data to grid

		return this.each(function () {

			if (this.grid) this.grid.addData(data);



	$.fn.flexGetRows = function () { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.getRows();


	$.fn.addRows = function (rowList) { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.addRows(rowList);


	$.fn.getSelectRowsToGrid = function () { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.getSelectRowsToGrid();


	$.fn.getGridAllRows = function () { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.getGridAllRows();


	$.fn.getGridAllRowsForObj = function () { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.getGridAllRowsForObj();


	$.fn.clearSelect = function () { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.clearSelect();


	$.fn.deleteSelectRows = function () { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.deleteSelectRows();


	$.fn.queryData = function (params) { // function to add data to grid jej

		return this[0].grid.queryData(params);


	$.fn.noSelect = function (p) { //no select plugin by me :-)

		var prevent = (p == null) ? true : p;

		if (prevent) {

			return this.each(function () {

				if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) $(this).bind('selectstart', function () {

					return false;


				else if ($.browser.mozilla) {

					$(this).css('MozUserSelect', 'none');


				} else if ($.browser.opera) $(this).bind('mousedown', function () {

					return false;


				else $(this).attr('unselectable', 'on');


		} else {

			return this.each(function () {

				if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) $(this).unbind('selectstart');

				else if ($.browser.mozilla) $(this).css('MozUserSelect', 'inherit');

				else if ($.browser.opera) $(this).unbind('mousedown');

				else $(this).removeAttr('unselectable', 'on');



	}; //end noSelect





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<script src="js/jquery/jquery-1.8.3.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=config.getServletContext().getContextPath()%>/dwr/engine.js"></script> 

<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=config.getServletContext().getContextPath()%>/dwr/util.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=config.getServletContext().getContextPath()%>/dwr/interface/ZhfxGridAction.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/widget/flexigrid-1.1/js/flexigrid.js"></script>

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<script type="text/javascript">

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    var selforcls = 'total';

    var fretype = 1;


	    var options = {

	    	onFail: function() {


	    	onSuccess: function(e) { }


	    var $myform = $jq('#my-form').idealforms(options);

	    $forminputs = $myform.data('idealforms');



	    	colModel : [

	    		{display: '指数名称', name : 'zbName', width : 280, sortable : false, align: 'center'},

	    		{display: '指数频率', name : 'preType', width : 80, sortable : false, align: 'left'}


	    	usepager: true,

	    	title: '可选择指数',

	    	useRp: true,


	    	rp: 20,

	    	rpOptions: [20,50,100],

	    	dwrAction:getData, //js方法,里面调用dwr,也可以封装到flexigrid中,但为了方便,没有直接封装死

	    	method:'dwr', //该参数表明使用dwr方法 add by danielinbiti



	    	pagestat: '',

			pagetext: 'Page',

			outof: 'of',

			procmsg: '正在查询数据 ...',

			nomsg: '没有数据',



	    function strToJson(str){ 

	    	var json = eval('(' + str + ')'); 

	    	return json; 


	    function getData(param){

	    	var pageNum = 0;

	    	var perPageNum = 0;

	    	var queryMap = null;

	    	for(var i=0;i<param.length;i++){


	    			pageNum = param[i].value;

	    		}else if(param[i].name=='rp'){

	    			perPageNum = param[i].value;

	    		}else if(param[i].name=='queryCond'){

	    		   if(param[i].value instanceof Object){

	    		      queryMap = param[i].value;





	    		var jsondata = strToJson(data);





	    	colModel : [

	    		{display: '指数名称', name : 'zbName', width : 280, sortable : false, align: 'center'},

	    		{display: '指数频率', name : 'preType', width : 80, sortable : false, align: 'left'}


	    	usepager: false,

	    	title: '已选择的指数',

	    	useRp: true,

	    	rp: 20,


	    	rpOptions: [20,50,100],



	    	pagestat: '',

			pagetext: 'Page',

			outof: 'of',

			procmsg: '正在查询数据 ...',

			nomsg: '没有数据',





	function moveRightRow(){

	   var rowList = $jq("#datagriddivview").getSelectRowsToGrid();

	   var selList = $jq("#datagriddivresult").getGridAllRows();

	   var flag = true;

	   var resultRows = new Array();


	   for(var i=0;i<rowList.length;i++){

	      var row = rowList[i];

	      flag = true;

	      for(var j=0;j<selList.length;j++){

	         var selRow = selList[j];


	            flag = false;





	         resultRows[resultRows.length] = row;






	function delRows(){



	function saveData(){

	    var selList = $jq("#datagriddivresult").getGridAllRows();

	    var rtnArr = new Array();


	      for(var i=0;i<selList.length;i++){

	         rtnArr[rtnArr.length] = selList[i][0];



	    window.returnValue = rtnArr;



	function queryData(){

	    var name = $jq("#zsname").val();

	    var isLink = $jq("#zslinkstatusselect").val();

	    var params={









  <div id="div_head"></div>

  <div id="div_body">


        <form id="my-form">


               <div class="onrowcss">


	       	           指数名称:</label><input id="zsname" name="zsname" type="text"/></div>


	       	   <div class="onrowcss">


			  	     <label>   是否已经关联:</label>

			  	     <select id="zslinkstatusselect" name="zslinkstatusselect">

			              <option value="0,1">全部</option>

			              <option value="0">未关联</option>

			              <option value="1">已关联</option>




	           <div class="divbtncss onrowcss">


	                <button id="btnquery" class="divquerycss" type="button" onclick="queryData()">查询</button>







         <div class="divgridclass onrowcss">

	       <div id="datagriddivview"></div>


	     <div id="divselbutton" class="divselbuttoncss onrowcss" align="center">

	        <input type="button" id="btnSelDown" class="btnclass divseldown" value="" onclick="moveRightRow()"/>


	     <div class="onrowcss">

		     <div class="divgridclass gridwidth">

		     	<div id="datagriddivresult"></div>


		     <div id="divresultbuttons" class="divresultbuttonscss" align="center">

		        <input type="button" id="btnDel" class="btnclass" value="删除" onclick="delRows()"/>

		        <input type="button" id="btnDel" class="btnclass" value="确定" onclick="saveData()"/>





  <div id="div_foot">




js页面下载链接 http://download.csdn.net/detail/danielinbiti/5573615


