Debian 6安装 conky

apt-cache search conky,可以搜索到源中目前存在的conky版本:

conky-all - highly configurable system monitor (all features enabled)

conky - highly configurable system monitor (transitional package)

conky-cli - highly configurable system monitor (basic version)

conky-std - highly configurable system monitor (default version)



sudo apt-get install conky-all


安装完成,conky --version 会显示conky的版本及很多信息,仔细看,System config file: /etc/conky/conky.conf表示conky的配置文件所在路径。


cat /etc/conky/conky.conf > ~/.conkyrc


sudo pluma ~/.conkyrc (pluma是和gedit一样的玩意)



修改:alignment top_right

background yes


在终端执行它:> conky,界面比较难看,找点配置文件置换一下。


使用Conky Colors可以快速的图形化配置它。参考:



最后添加启动脚本,进行 System > Preferences > Startup Applications 菜单,新建一个启动项,命令栏里输入 ~/.conkycolors/bin/conkyStart (如果不行的话,试试输入 /home/yourname/.conkycolors/bin/conkyStart )


在网上找了一个,懒得自己配了。复制以下内容到 ~/.conkyrc 这个文件就ok


background yes

override_utf8_locale yes

font Sans:size=9

xftfont Sans:size=9

use_xft yes

xftalpha 0.1


update_interval 1.0

total_run_times 0

own_window yes

own_window_type normal

#own_window_type override

own_window_transparent yes

own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

double_buffer yes

draw_shades no

draw_outline no

draw_borders no

draw_graph_borders no

minimum_size 170 5

maximum_width 170


#alignment top_left

alignment top_right

#alignment bottom_left

#alignment bottom_right

#alignment none

gap_x 10

gap_y 50

no_buffers yes

cpu_avg_samples 2

override_utf8_locale yes

uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

use_spacer none

out_to_console no


default_color white

default_shade_color black

default_outline_color white



${color }${font Agency FB size=20}Time: ${time %H:%M}

${color }${font }Day: ${time %Y-%m-%d}

${color }UpTime:$alignr${color }$uptime

${color }Kernel:$alignr${color }$kernel


${color #dcff82}Intel E2180:

${color white}$stippled_hr

${color white}CPU0 Temp:$alignr${color } ${execi 20 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 0' | cut -c15-16}°C

${color white}CPU1 Temp:$alignr${color } ${execi 20 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 1' | cut -c15-16}°C

${color white}CPU us:$alignr${color } $cpu%


${color #dcff82}TOP Processes:

${color }$stippled_hr

${color }Processes:$alignr${color }$processes ($running_processes running)


${color }Highest CPU:$alignr PID CPU%

${color #ddaa00}${top name 1}$alignr${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}

${color lightgrey}${top name 2}$alignr${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}

${color lightgrey}${top name 3}$alignr${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}


${color }Highest MEM:$alignr PID MEM%

${color #ddaa00}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem mem 1}

${color lightgrey}${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem mem 2}

${color lightgrey}${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem mem 3}


${color }MEM:${color} $memperc%$alignr$mem/$memmax

${membar 3,160}

${color white}SWAP:${color} $swapperc%$alignr$swap/$swapmax

${swapbar 3,160}


${color #dcff82}SAMSUNG SP0802N:

${color }$stippled_hr

${color }Hard Drive Temp: $alignr${execi 300 nc localhost 7634 | cut -c27-28;} °C

${color }ROOT:$alignr${color}${fs_free /}/${fs_size /}

${fs_bar 3,160 /}

${color }HOME:$alignr${color}${fs_free /home}/${fs_size /home}

${fs_bar 3,160 /home}

${color }Disk Read:${alignr}${color}$diskio_read

${color}${diskiograph_read /dev/sda 10,160 000000 ffffff}

${color }Disk Write:${alignr}${color}$diskio_write

${color}${diskiograph_write /dev/sda 10,160 000000 ffffff}
