

set explain on;

set explain off;

set explain on avoid_execute;

set explain file  to "/tmp/temp.out";

select count(*)  from systables;

select first 1 date(current) from systables #此处换成任意需要调整的sql

登陆informix服务器,执行dbaccess dbname a.sql结果如下

Database selected.

Explain set.

Explain set.

Explain set.

Explain set.



1 row(s) retrieved.



1 row(s) retrieved.

Database closed.

查看详细任务计划 more /tmp/temp.out如下

UERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 11-20-2012 15:04:13)


select count(*)  from tfa_alarm_relation

Estimated Cost: 1

Estimated # of Rows Returned: 1

  1) informix.tfa_alarm_relation: INDEX PATH

    (1) Index Name: (count)

        Index Keys: (count)

Query statistics:


  Table map :


  Internal name     Table name


  type     rows_prod  est_rows  rows_cons  time


  group    1          1         0          00:00.00

QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 11-20-2012 15:04:13)


select first 1 date(current) from systables

Estimated Cost: 78

Estimated # of Rows Returned: 1142

  1) informix.systables: SEQUENTIAL SCAN

Query statistics:


  Table map :


  Internal name     Table name


  t1                systables

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost


  scan     t1     1          1142      3          00:00.00   78      

QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 11-20-2012 15:06:55)


select count(*)  from systables

Estimated Cost: 1

Estimated # of Rows Returned: 1

  1) informix.systables: INDEX PATH


