VIM useful commands must know them.

yy              : cory the current line.

p               : paste.

0(number )      : move cursor to the front of the current line.

$               : move cursor to the end of the current line.

u               : undo

ctrl + r        : redo

N<command>[ESC] : repeat.


                   10p : past 10 times

                   10ohello<ESC>  : write 10 line hello

set number      : display the line number.

gg              : move cursor to the first line

G               : move cursor to the last line

15G             : move cursor to the 15th line

*               : move cursor to the next same word

#               : move cursor to the last same word

%               : move cursor to the peer [{(
w : move cursor to the front of the right word.
b : move cursor to the front of the left word.
e : move cursor to the last letter of the current word. y$ : cory the current line from the current cursor position. ye : cory the current word from the current cursor position. gU$ : change the current line to upper
case gUe : change the current word to upper case gu$ : change the current line to lower case gue : change the current word to lower case


Vim Usage:

-- cursor mover

n+       // move the cursor to the next n lines.

n-       // move the cursor to the pervious n lines.

nG       // move the cursor to line n.

G        // move the cursor to the last line.

--delete and undo

x        // delete the current char

nx       // delete n chars from the current char

dd       // delete the current line.

ndd      // delete n lines from the current line.

u        // undo the previous command.

U        // undo all the pervious commands.

--set the line number

:set nu     // set the line number display.

:set nonu    //cancel the line number display.

--copy and paste

yy      // copy the current line.

nyy     // copy from the current n line.

yw      // copy from the current cursor to the end of the word.

nyw     // copy n words from the current cursor.

y^      // copy from current cursor to first letter of the current line.

y$      // copy from current cursor to the end letter of the current line.



:s/old/new         //use new replace the first old in current line.

:s/old/new/g       //use new replace all the old in current line.

:n,m s/old/new     //use new replace the first old from line n to line m.

:n,m s/old/new/g   //use new replace all the old from line n to line m.

:%s/old/new/g      //use new replace all the old in the document.

