15.1 Path
Imports System.IO
Public Class Class1
Sub TestPathType()
Console.WriteLine(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) ' => /
Console.WriteLine(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ' => \
Console.WriteLine(Path.PathSeparator) ' => ;
Console.WriteLine(Path.VolumeSeparatorChar) ' => :
' Note: the actual output from following methods includes unprintable characters.
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) ' => <>|
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) ' => <>|:*?\/
' => C:\Documents and Settings\Francesco\Local Settings\Temp
' => C:\Documents and Settings\Francesco\Local Settings\Temp\tmp1FC7.tmp
' 从路径字符串中提取信息
Dim file As String = " C:\MyApp\Bin\MyApp.exe "
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file)) ' => C:\MyApp\Bin
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(file)) ' => MyApp.exe
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetExtension(file)) ' => .exe
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)) ' => MyApp
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetPathRoot(file)) ' => C:\
Console.WriteLine(Path.HasExtension(file)) ' => True
Console.WriteLine(Path.IsPathRooted(file)) ' => True
' Retrieve the Windows main directory (parent of Windows system directory)
' Next line assumes that current directory is C:\MyApp.
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFullPath( " MyApp.Exe " )) ' => C:\MyApp\MyApp.Exe
Console.WriteLine(Path.ChangeExtension( " MyApp.Exe " , " dat " )) ' => MyApp.dat
Console.WriteLine(Path.Combine( " C:\MyApp " , " MyApp.Dat " )) ' => C:\MyApp\MyApp.Dat
' \..表示当前目录的上一级目录
Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFullPath( " c:\public\..\private\filename " ))
End Sub
End Class
15.2 Directory和File
15.2.1 列举目录和文件
Imports System.IO
Public Class Class1
Sub DisplayDirTree(
ByVal dir As String ,
ByVal showFiles As Boolean ,
Optional ByVal level As Integer = 0
' Display the name of this directory with correct indentation.
Console.WriteLine( New String ( " - " c, level * 2 ) & dir )
' Display all files in this directory with correct indentation.
If showFiles = True Then
For Each fname As String In Directory.GetFiles( dir )
Console.WriteLine( New String ( " " c, level * 2 + 2 ) & fname)
End If
' A recursive call for all the subdirectories in this directory
For Each subdir As String In Directory.GetDirectories( dir )
DisplayDirTree(subdir, showFiles, level + 1 )
' Do nothing if any error (presumably "Drive not ready").
End Try
End Sub
' 显示系统中所有驱动器的目录树
Sub a()
For Each rootDir As String In Directory.GetLogicalDrives
DisplayDirTree(rootDir, True , 0 )
End Sub
' Display all the *.txt files in C:\DOCS.
Sub b()
For Each fname As String In Directory.GetFiles( " c:\docs " , " *.txt " )
End Sub
' Display only read-only .txt files in the c:\docs folder.
Sub c()
For Each fname As String In Directory.GetFiles( " c:\docs " , " *.txt " )
If CBool (File.GetAttributes(fname) And FileAttributes.ReadOnly) Then
End If
End Sub
' 自动在子目录中搜索
Sub d()
For Each file As String In Directory.GetFiles(
" c:\windows " , " *.dll " , System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
End Sub
End Class
15.2.2 管理目录和文件
Imports System.IO
Module Module2
Sub a()
Dim currDir As String = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory
Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( " c:\temp " )
'''''''''''' '
''' '
'''''''''''' '
End Sub
Sub b()
Directory.CreateDirectory( " c:\myTemp\data " )
End Sub
Sub c()
If File.Exists( " c:\data.txt " ) Then
File.Move( " c:\data.txt " , " d:\data.txt " )
End If
End Sub
Sub d()
Directory.Delete( " c:\tempDir " , True )
End Sub
' Display system and hidden files in C:\.
Sub e()
For Each fname As String In Directory.GetFiles( " C:\ " )
Dim attr As FileAttributes = File.GetAttributes(fname)
' Display the file if marked as hidden or system (or both).
If CBool (attr And (FileAttributes.Hidden Or FileAttributes.System)) Then
End If
End Sub
Sub f()
File.Copy( " c:\data.bin " , " c:\backup\data.bin " , True )
End Sub
Sub g()
File.Replace( " c:\data.bin " , " c:\newdata.bin " , " c:\data.bak " , True )
End Sub
End Module
15.3 DirectoryInfo和FileInfo
Imports System.IO
Module Module3
Sub a()
' Create a DirectoryInfo object that points to C:\.
Dim diRoot As New DirectoryInfo( " c:\ " )
' Create a FileInfo object that points to c:\autoexec.bat.
Dim fiAutoexec As New FileInfo( " c:\autoexec.bat " )
' List the directories in c:\.
For Each di As DirectoryInfo In diRoot.GetDirectories()
' List all the *.txt files in c:\.
For Each fi As FileInfo In diRoot.GetFiles( " *.txt " )
' Show files and directories in one operation
For Each fsi As FileSystemInfo In diRoot.GetFileSystemInfos()
' Use the [dir] or [file] prefix.
Dim prefix As String = Nothing
If CBool (fsi.Attributes And FileAttributes.Directory) Then
prefix = " dir "
prefix = " file "
End If
' Print type, name and creation date.
Console.WriteLine( " [{0}] {1} ?{2} " , prefix, fsi.Name, fsi.CreationTime)
' List all empty files in c:\.
For Each fi As FileInfo In diRoot.GetFiles()
If fi.Length = 0 Then Console.WriteLine(fi.Name)
End Sub
Sub b()
' List all empty files in c:\.
Dim fiDoc As New FileInfo( " c:\temps\temp.txt " )
For Each fi As FileInfo In fiDoc.Directory.GetFiles()
End Sub
' 创建c:\tempdocs\Reports子目录,然后将其删除
Sub c()
Dim diDocs As New DirectoryInfo( " c:\tempdocs " )
diDocs.CreateSubdirectory( " Reports " )
diDocs.Delete( True )
End Sub
' Encrypt all the writable files in the c:\private directory.
Sub d()
Dim diPrivate As New DirectoryInfo( " c:\private " )
For Each fi As FileInfo In diPrivate.GetFiles()
If Not fi.IsReadOnly Then fi.Encrypt()
End Sub
End Module
15.4 DriveInfo
Imports System.IO
Module Module4
' Display the volume label of drive C.
Sub a()
Dim driveC As New DriveInfo( " c: " )
Console.WriteLine( " Label of C: drive: {0} " , driveC.VolumeLabel)
End Sub
' Display name and total size of all available drives.
Sub b()
For Each di As DriveInfo In DriveInfo.GetDrives()
If di.IsReady Then
Console.WriteLine( " Drive {0}: {1:N} bytes " , di.Name, di.TotalSize)
End If
End Sub
Sub c()
Dim driveD As New DriveInfo( " d: " )
driveD.VolumeLabel = " MyData "
End Sub
' Display information of all drives
Sub d()
Console.WriteLine( " {0,-6}{1,-10}{2,-8}{3,-16}{4,18}{5,18} " , " Name " ,
" Label " , " Type " , " Format " , " TotalSize " , " TotalFreeSpace " )
Console.WriteLine( New String ( " - " c, 78 ))
For Each di As DriveInfo In DriveInfo.GetDrives()
If di.IsReady Then
" {0,-6}{1,-10}{2,-8}{3,-16}{4,18:N0}{5,18:N0} " ,
di.Name, di.VolumeLabel, di.DriveType.ToString, di.DriveFormat, di.TotalSize, di.TotalFreeSpace)
Console.WriteLine( " {0,-6}(not ready) " , di.Name)
End If
End Sub
End Module
15.7 Stream
15.7.1 流操作
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Module Module5
Dim fileName As String = " c:\test.txt "
' With the File.OpenText static method
Sub a()
Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(fileName)
End Sub
' With the OpenText instance method of a FileInfo object
Sub a2()
Dim fi2 As New FileInfo(fileName)
Dim sr2 As StreamReader = fi2.OpenText
End Sub
' By passing a FileStream from the Open method of the File class to
' the StreamReader's constructor method
' (This technique lets you specify mode, access, and share mode.)
Sub a3()
Dim st3 As Stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)
Dim sr3 As New StreamReader(st3)
End Sub
' By opening a FileStream on the file and then passing it
' to the StreamReader's constructor method
Sub a4()
Dim fs4 As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)
Dim sr4 As New StreamReader(fs4)
End Sub
' By getting a FileStream from the OpenRead method of the File class
' and passing it to the StreamReader's constructor
Sub a5()
Dim sr5 As New StreamReader(File.OpenRead(fileName))
End Sub
' By passing the filename to the StreamReader's constructor
Sub a6()
Dim sr6 As New StreamReader(fileName)
End Sub
' By passing the filename and encoding
Sub a7()
Dim sr7 As New StreamReader( " c:\autoexec.bat " , System.Text.Encoding.Unicode)
Dim sr8 As New StreamReader(fileName, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)
End Sub
' As before, but we let the system decide the best encoding.
Sub a8()
Dim sr9 As New StreamReader(fileName, True )
End Sub
' Create a file for sequential reading and writing, with a 2K buffer;
' The file will be deleted when closed.
Sub b()
Dim fs10 As New FileStream( " c:\tryme.tmp " ,
2048 ,
FileOptions.SequentialScan Or FileOptions.DeleteOnClose)
End Sub
' Display all the text lines in the c:\test.txt file.
Sub c()
Dim sr As New StreamReader(fileName)
Do Until sr.Peek = - 1
End Sub
Sub d()
Using sr As New StreamReader(fileName)
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
End Using
End Sub
Sub e()
' Read the entire contents of C:\test.doc in one shot.
Dim sr As New StreamReader(fileName)
Dim fileContents As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
' If the file is longer than 100 chars, process it again, one character at a
' time (admittedly a silly thing to do, but it's just a demo).
If fileContents.Length >= 100 Then
' Reset the stream's pointer to the beginning.
sr.BaseStream.Seek( 0 , SeekOrigin.Begin)
' Read individual characters until EOF is reached.
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
' Read method returns an integer, so convert it to Char.
End If
End Sub
Sub f()
' By means of the CreateText static method of the File type
Dim fileName As String = " c:\text.dat "
Dim sw1 As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(fileName)
' By passing a FileStream from the Open method of the File class to
' the StreamWriter's constructor method
Dim st2 As Stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)
Dim sw2 As New StreamWriter(st2)
' By opening a FileStream on the file and then passing it
' to the StreamWriter's constructor
Dim fs3 As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)
Dim sw3 As New StreamWriter(fs3)
' By getting a FileStream from the OpenWrite method of the File type
' and passing it to the StreamWriter's constructor
Dim sw4 As New StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(fileName))
' By passing the filename to the StreamWriter's constructor
Dim sw5 As New StreamWriter(fileName)
' Open the c:\test.dat file in append mode, be prepared to output
' ASCII characters, and use a 2K buffer.
Dim sw6 As New StreamWriter( " c:\test.new " , True , Encoding.ASCII, 2024 )
' Terminate each line with a null character followed by a newline character.
sw6.NewLine = ControlChars.NullChar & ControlChars.NewLine
End Sub
' This actually writes data to the file and closes it.
Sub g()
Using sr As New StreamReader( " c:\test.txt " )
Using sw As New StreamWriter( " c:\test.new " )
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
End Using
End Using
End Sub
' 使用内存获得更好的性能
Sub h()
Using sr As New StreamReader( " c:\test.txt " ), sw As New StreamWriter( " c:\test.new " )
End Using
End Sub
End Module
15.7.4 读取和写入二进制文件
Imports System.IO
Module Module6
Dim fileName As String = " c:\values.dat "
Sub a()
' Associate a stream with a new file opened with write access.
Dim st As Stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
' Create a BinaryWriter associated with the output stream.
Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(st)
' Save 10 Double values to the file.
Dim rand As New Random()
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
' Flush the output data to the file.
End Sub
' Read back values written in previous code.
Sub b()
' Associate a stream with an existing file, opened with read access.
Dim st2 As Stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
' Create a BinaryReader associated with the input stream.
Using br2 As New BinaryReader(st2)
' Loop until data is available.
Do Until br2.PeekChar() = - 1
' Read the next element. (We know it's a Double.)
' Next statement closes both the BinaryReader and the underlying stream.
End Using
End Sub
End Module
15.7.5 处理定长和分隔数据文件
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
Imports System.Text
Module Module7
' 分界符文件
Sub ReadDelimitedFiles()
Dim fileName As String = " data.txt "
Dim parser As New TextFieldParser(fileName, Encoding.Default)
' Field separator can be either a comma or a semicolon.
parser.Delimiters = New String () { " , " , " ; " }
parser.TrimWhiteSpace = True
Do Until parser.EndOfData
Dim fields() As String = parser.ReadFields()
' Process each field in current record here.
Console.WriteLine( " First={0}, Last={1}, City={2} " , fields( 0 ), fields( 1 ), fields( 2 ))
End Sub
' 固定宽度文件
Sub ReadFixedLengthFiles()
Using parser As New TextFieldParser( " data2.txt " , Encoding.Default)
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.FixedWidth
parser.FieldWidths = New Integer () { 8 , 10 , 6 }
Do Until parser.EndOfData
Dim fields() As String = parser.ReadFields()
Console.WriteLine( " First={0}, Last={1}, City={2} " , fields( 0 ), fields( 1 ), fields( 2 ))
End Using
End Sub
' 记录字段不一样
Sub ReadTextFilesWithHeaders()
Using parser As New TextFieldParser( " data3.txt " , Encoding.Default)
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.FixedWidth
Dim headerWidths() As Integer = { 3 , 4 , 11 , 12 }
Dim detailWidths() As Integer = { 3 , 6 , 18 , 6 }
parser.FieldWidths = headerWidths
Do Until parser.EndOfData
Dim code As String = parser.PeekChars( 2 )
If code = " IH " Then
parser.FieldWidths = headerWidths
Dim fields() As String = parser.ReadFields()
Console.WriteLine( " Invoice #{0}, Date={1}, Customer={2} " , fields( 1 ), fields( 2 ), fields( 3 ))
ElseIf code = " ID " Then
parser.FieldWidths = detailWidths
Dim fields() As String = parser.ReadFields()
Console.WriteLine( " #{0} {1} at ${2} each " , fields( 1 ), fields( 2 ), fields( 3 ))
Throw New MalformedLineException( " Invalid record code " )
End If
End Using
End Sub
End Module
15.8 其他Stream类型
15.8.1 内存流
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Globalization
Module Module8
Sub TestMemoryStream()
' Create a memory stream with initial capacity of 1 KB.
Dim st As New MemoryStream( 1024 )
Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(st)
Dim rand As New Random()
' Write 10 random Double values to the stream.
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
' Rewind the stream to the beginning and read back the data.
st.Seek( 0 , SeekOrigin.Begin)
Dim br As New BinaryReader(st)
Do Until br.PeekChar = - 1
End Sub
Sub ReadWriteStrings()
Dim st As New MemoryStream( 1000 )
Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(st)
' The BinaryWriter.Write method outputs a length-prefixed string.
bw.Write( " a length-prefixed string " )
' We'll use this 1-KB buffer for both reading and writing.
Dim buffer( 1023 ) As Char
Dim s As String = " 13 Characters " ' A fixed-length string
s.CopyTo( 0 , buffer, 0 , s.Length) ' Copy into the buffer.
bw.Write(buffer, 0 , s.Length) ' Output first 13 chars in buffer.
bw.Write(buffer, 0 , s.Length) ' Do it a second time.
' Rewind the stream, and prepare to read from it.
st.Seek( 0 , SeekOrigin.Begin)
Dim br As New BinaryReader(st)
' Reading the length-prefixed string is simple.
Console.WriteLine(br.ReadString()) ' => a length-prefixed string
' Read the fixed-length string (13 characters) into the buffer.
br.Read(buffer, 0 , 13 )
s = New String (buffer, 0 , 13 ) ' Convert to a string.
Console.WriteLine(s) ' => 13 Characters
' Another way to read a fixed-length string (13 characters)
' (ReadChars returns a Char array that we can pass to the string constructor.)
s = New String (br.ReadChars( 13 ))
Console.WriteLine(s) ' => 13 Characters
End Sub
End Module
15.8.2 基于字符串的流
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Globalization
Module Module9
' ReadLine
Sub a()
Dim veryLongString As String = ""
Dim strReader As New StreamReader(veryLongString)
Do Until strReader.Peek = - 1
End Sub
Sub StringWriterType()
' Create a string with the space-separated abbreviated names of weekdays.
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
' The StringWriter associated with the StringBuilder
Dim strWriter As New StringWriter(sb)
' Output day names to the string.
For Each d As String In DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.AbbreviatedDayNames
strWriter.Write( " " ) ' Append a space.
Console.WriteLine(sb) ' => Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
End Sub
End Module