


*@类功能:将一个文件中的String声明转换成byte[] 声明

//NOTE: Make sure the identifier of variable as same as "inflag_0"
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class MakeResource
 //Output file declare symbol
 private static final String outflag_0 = " public final static byte[] ";
 private static final String outflag_1 = " = {";
 private static final String outflag_2 = "};";
 private static final String outflag_3 = ",";
 private static final int ch_0 = 0x0d;
 private static final int ch_1 = 0x0a;
 //Input file declare symbol
 private static final String inflag_0 = "public final static String"; //' the squence may variety
 private static final char inflag_1 = '"';
 private static final char inflag_2 = ';';
 private static final char inflag_3 = '=';
 private static final char inflag_4 = '/';

 //Resource of all string
 private String[] res = null;
 //Names of all string
 private String[] resNames = null;

 //For debug
 private boolean debug = false;
 public MakeResource()
  System.out.println("Please enter the file name:");
  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
  }catch(Exception e){


 public static void main(String[] args)
  new MakeResource();

 private void doInput(String fileName)
   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( new File( fileName ) );
   byte[] contents = new byte[ fis.available() ];
   fis.read( contents );
    System.out.println("The file has "+contents.length+" bytes");
   char[] declare = inflag_0.toCharArray();
   Vector names = new Vector(); //For save variable names
   Vector resStr = new Vector(); //For save the variable's content
   int x = 0;   //index of all bytes
   boolean out = false; //Flag for out of loop

   int variableNum = 0;
    int counter = 0; //Matching char numbers
    int y = 0;   //index of 'declare' array
    if(contents[x]==inflag_4)  //skip a comment line
     boolean out_0 = false;
     while( !out_0 && x+2 < contents.length)
      if( ((int)contents[x+1]!= ch_0) && ((int)contents[x+2]!= ch_1) )
       out_0 = true;
    if(contents[x] == declare[y])

     for(y = 1; y < declare.length  ; y++)
      if(x + 1 < contents.length)
       out = true;      
    //If some chars begin with "public final static String"

      System.out.println("A variable matching at "+x);
     if(x + 1 < contents.length)
      x++;  //skip a space in front of the variable name
      out = true; 

     StringBuffer avName = new StringBuffer(); //For save the variable name
     boolean out_1 = false;
     while( !out_1 && x+1 < contents.length)
       out_1 = true;
     names.addElement( avName.toString() );
     boolean out_2 = false;
     StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();  //For save the variable content
     while(!out_2 && x + 1 < contents.length)
       boolean out_3 = false;
       while(!out_3 && x + 1 < contents.length)
        if( contents[++x]!=inflag_2 )
         str.append( (char)contents[x] );
         out_3 = true;
         out_2 = true;
     if(str.length() > 0) 
     str.deleteCharAt( str.length() -1  );  //Delete the last char of content,it is must a ' " '
     resStr.addElement( str.toString() );
    counter = 0;  //reset counter

    if(x + 1 < contents.length)
     x++;  //If does not matched any char, move index of all bytes
     out = true;
   res = new String[resStr.size()];
    //System.out.println("//--------------Variable contents--------------//");

   for(int p = 0 ; p < resStr.size(); p++)
    res[p] = (String)resStr.elementAt(p);
     //System.out.println( (String)resStr.elementAt(p) );   
   resNames = new String[names.size()];
    System.out.println("//--------------Variable names--------------//");
   for(int q = 0 ; q < names.size(); q++)
    resNames[q] = (String)names.elementAt(q);
     System.out.println( (String)names.elementAt(q) );   

    System.out.println(variableNum+" variables has been finded!");

  }catch(Exception ex)

 private void doOutput(String[] res,String[] names)
  int strLength = 0;
   System.out.println("Array does not initial");
  if( (strLength = res.length ) != names.length )
   System.out.println("Current array not correct");
  FileWriter fw = new FileWriter( new File(".","result.txt") ); //A file named 'result' for save the content
  for(int m =0 ; m < strLength; m++)
   byte[] b = res[m].getBytes();
   fw.write( outflag_0, 0, outflag_0.length() ); //write the identifier
   fw.write( names[m], 0, names[m].length() );  //write variable name
   fw.write( outflag_1, 0, outflag_1.length() ); //'={'
   for(int z = 0 ; z < b.length; z++)
    fw.write( new Integer((int)b[z]).toString() ); //write bytes with int format
    fw.write( outflag_3, 0, outflag_3.length() ); //','
   fw.write( outflag_2, 0, outflag_2.length() ); //'};'
   fw.write( ch_0 );  //write a enter for new line
   fw.write( ch_1 );

  System.out.println("Output successfully!!!!!");
  }catch(Exception e)
