J2EE family history

Everyone is talking about J2EE, but seems that most of us are not clear enough about the J2EE family history.

Here I want to collect the information from the Internet and the Sun's website:

JPE (May 1998)

Announcement of the JPE (Java Professional Edition) project at Sun.
[edit] J2EE 1.2 (December 12 1999)

The specification download page.

List of specifications:

    * Enterprise JavaBeans Specification (EJB), Version 1.1
    * JavaServer Pages Specification (JSP), Version 1.1
    * Java Servlet Specification, Version 2.2
    * JDBC API, Version 2.0
    * Java Naming and Directory Interface Specification (JNDI), Version 1.2
    * Java Message Service (JMS), Version 1.0.2
    * Java Transaction API (JTA), Version 1.0.1
    * Java Transaction Service (JTS), Version 0.95
    * JavaMail API Specification Version 1.1
    * JavaBeans Activation Framework Specification (JAF), Version 1.0

[edit] J2EE 1.3 (September 24 2001)

Developed under JSR 58

List of specifications:

    * Enterprise JavaBeans Specification (EJB), Version 2.0
    * JavaServer Pages Specification (JSP), Version 1.2
    * Java Servlet Specification, Version 2.3
    * JDBC API, Version 2.1
    * Java Naming and Directory Interface Specification (JNDI), Version 1.2
    * Java Message Service (JMS), Version 1.0.2
    * Java Transaction API (JTA), Version 1.0.1
    * Java Transaction Service (JTS), Version 1.0
    * JavaMail API Specification Version 1.1
    * JavaBeans Activation Framework Specification (JAF), Version 1.0
    * J2EE Connector Architecture, Version 1.0
    * Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), Version 1.0
    * Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), Version 1.0

[edit] J2EE 1.4 (November 11 2003)

Developed under JSR 151

List of specifications:

    * Enterprise JavaBeans Specification (EJB), Version 2.1
    * JavaServer Pages Specification (JSP), Version 2.0
    * Java Servlet Specification, Version 2.4
    * JDBC API, Version 3.0
    * Java Naming and Directory Interface Specification (JNDI), Version 1.2
    * Java Message Service (JMS), Version 1.1
    * Java Transaction API (JTA), Version 1.0.1B
    * Java Transaction Service (JTS), Version 1.0
    * JavaMail API Specification, Version 1.2
    * JavaBeans Activation Framework Specification (JAF), Version 1.0
    * J2EE Connector Architecture, Version 1.5
    * Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), Version 1.2
    * Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), Version 1.0
    * Java Authorization Service Provider Contract for Containers (JACC), Version 1.0
    * Web Services for J2EE, Version 1.0
    * Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC), Version 1.0
    * Java API for XML Registries (JAXR), Version 1.0
    * Java Management Extensions (JMX), Version 1.1
    * Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Management Specification, Version 1.0
    * Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Deployment Specification, Version 1.0

[edit] Java EE 5 (May 11 2006)

Developed under JSR 244

List of specifications:

    * Enterprise JavaBeans Specification (EJB), Version 3.0
    * Java Persistence API (JPA), Version 1.0

    * JavaServer Pages Specification (JSP), Version 2.1
    * Java Servlet Specification, Version 2.5
    * JavaServer Faces (JSF), Version 1.2
    * JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL), Version 1.2

    * JDBC API, Version 3.0
    * Java Naming and Directory Interface Specification (JNDI), Version 1.2
    * Java Message Service (JMS), Version 1.1
    * Java Transaction API (JTA), Version 1.1
    * Java Transaction Service (JTS), Version 1.0
    * JavaMail API Specification, Version 1.4
    * JavaBeans Activation Framework Specification (JAF), Version 1.1
    * J2EE Connector Architecture, Version 1.5
    * Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), Version 1.3
    * Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), Version 1.0
    * Java Authorization Service Provider Contract for Containers(JACC), Version 1.1

    * Web Services for Java EE, Version 1.2
    * Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC), Version 1.1
    * Java API for XML Registries (JAXR), Version 1.0
    * Java Management Extensions, Version 1.2
    * Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Management Specification, Version 1.1
    * Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Deployment Specification, Version 1.1
    * Java API for XML-based Web Services (JAX-WS), Version 2.0
    * Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), Version 2.0
    * SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ), Version 1.3
    * Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform, Version 2.0
    * Streaming API for XML (StAX), Version 1.0

[edit] Java EE 6 (Dec 10, 2009)

Java EE 6 was first going to be developed under JSR 313 but was canceled. Java EE 6 was developed under JSR 316 and released on December 10th 2009.

The development was plagued with controversy, although passed by 14 yes votes, 1 no vote (Apache), and 1 abstention (Borland), members aired concerns relating to the licensing terms applied by Sun Microsystems[1].

IBM's "yes" vote was caveated with:

    IBM’s vote is based on the technical merits of this JSR and is not a vote on the licensing terms. IBM supports licensing models that create an open and level playing field by allowing third parties to create independent implementations of Java Specifications and that do not allow individuals or companies to exercise unnecessary control for proprietary advantage. We support open source as a licensing model for contributions in the JCP, and would hope others will support this direction. This comment is not necessarily directed at the current business or license terms for this JSR, however, it is a statement of IBM’s preferred licensing model.

Intel's was caveated with:

    The Spec Lead has told us there are no “field of use restrictions” on implementations for this particular JSR. The Apache open letter about Java SE [2] claimed that a confidential license for a required JCP test suite restricts how Independent Implementations of that JCP spec can be used. Licenses to test for JCP compatibility must not be used to limit or restrict competing, compatible implementations; licenses containing such limitations do not meet the requirements of the JSPA, the agreement under which the JCP operates. For every JCP ballot, we will ask the Spec Lead whether such restrictions exist in their license.

Red Hat commented

    The spec lead of the EE6 specification has confirmed that the EE6 TCK would contain no “field of use restrictions”, as originally raised by Apache with regard to another JSR (i.e. the SE TCK licensing). That is a good thing.
    However, in the absence of an explicit JSPA rule that would forbid such field-of-use restrictions, we will remain worried that a similar issue might resurface anytime, for any JSR.
    Consequently, in the future, for any submitted JSR (by SUNW or not), we will specifically expect the spec lead to provide clear information on that aspect and take the answer in account when casting our vote.

Apache voted NO with the following comment:

    The Apache Software Foundation’s vote is based on the point of view that this spec lead - Sun - is in violation of the JSPA[2]
    and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to start another JSR until the above matter is resolved.
    This vote is not a comment on the technical merits of the JSR. If not for the issue of the spec lead, the ASF would have otherwise voted “yes”.

get from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_EE_version_history
