2025数学建模美赛C题【Models for Olympic Medal Tables】第一问



    • 问题1 解题全流程
      • 解题完整过程:建立预测奥运会奖牌数的数学模型
      • 1. 数据分析与清理
        • 1.1 数据来源与结构
        • 1.2 数据清理
      • 2. 探索性数据分析 (EDA)
        • 2.1 国家奖牌分布趋势
        • 2.2 奖牌与赛事数量的关系
        • 2.3 主办国优势分析
      • 3. 模型建立
        • 3.1 奖牌数预测模型
        • 3.2 奖牌首次获得预测模型
        • 3.3 奖牌分布与赛事类型关联模型
      • 4. 模型实现与代码
        • 4.1 数据清理与预处理
        • 4.2 奖牌预测模型
        • 4.3 首次奖牌预测
      • 5. 结果与分析
        • 5.1 奖牌预测结果
        • 5.2 首次奖牌预测结果
        • 5.3 赛事设置影响分析
      • 6. 结论

问题1 解题全流程

Develop a model for medal counts for each country (for Gold and total medals at a
minimum). Include estimates of the uncertainty/precision of your model predictions and
measures of how well model performs.
o Based on your model, what are your projections for the medal table in the Los
Angeles, USA summer Olympics in 2028? Include prediction intervals for all
results. Which countries do you believe are most likely to improve? Which will
do worse than in 2024?
o Your model should include countries that have yet to earn medals; what is your
projection for how many will earn
