2、能一个sql解决的,坚决不用两条sql。利用case when或decode。
select month_id, corppkno, sum(exportSum_new) exportSum_new, sum(exportSum_newLy) exportSum_newLy, sum(exportSum_Support) exportSum_Support, sum(exportSum_SupportLy) exportSum_SupportLy from ( /*当年累计出口*/ select a.month_id, c.corppkno, decode(a.isnewinsurant, null, 0, b.exportdollar) exportSum_new,/*此处为了用一条sql实现*/ 0 exportSum_newLy, b.exportdollar exportSum_Support, 0 exportSum_SupportLy from (select trunc(t1.month_id / 100) yearid, t1.month_id, t3.cocode, max(t.newinsurantpkno_sm) isnewinsurant /*当月新增的客户*/ from stdw.F_Sum_SupportInsurant_SM t, stdw.lu_month_cumulate t1, stdw.d_t_customer t2, stdw.d_t_Customsenterprisemapping t3 where t.monthid = t1.month_cumul_id and t.supportinsuantpkno_sm = t2.pkno and t2.crmno = t3.customno and t3.state = '1' and t1.month_id <= to_char(sysdate - 1, 'YYYYMM') group by t1.month_id, t3.cocode) A, stdw.f_custom_company_composite B, stdw.d_custom_branch_province C, stdw.lu_month_cumulate D /*此sql先用子查询A限定范围,再通过A去关联B。因为B的范围大,如果对B进行汇总后再和A关联,效率较低*/ where b.monthid = d.month_cumul_id and b.corpid = c.corpid and a.yearid = b.yearid /*跨区访问*/ and a.month_id = d.month_id and a.cocode = b.cocode union all /*上年总出口额*/ select a.month_id, b.corppkno, 0 exportSum_new, decode(a.isnewinsurant, null, 0, b.exportdollar) exportSum_newLy, 0 exportSum_Support, b.exportdollar exportSum_SupportLy from (select trunc(t1.month_id / 100) - 1 yearid_ly, t1.month_id, t3.cocode, max(t.newinsurantpkno_sm) isnewinsurant /*当月新增的客户*/ from stdw.F_Sum_SupportInsurant_SM t, stdw.lu_month_cumulate t1, stdw.d_t_customer t2, stdw.d_t_Customsenterprisemapping t3 where t.monthid = t1.month_cumul_id and t.supportinsuantpkno_sm = t2.pkno and t2.crmno = t3.customno and t3.state = '1' and t1.month_id <= to_char(sysdate - 1, 'YYYYMM') group by t1.month_id, t3.cocode) A, (select t1.outputyear yearid, t1.cocode, t4.corppkno, t1.totaldollar exportdollar from stdw.f_custom_company_total t1, stdw.d_custom_company t2, stdw.d_custom_province_zone t3, stdw.d_custom_branch_province t4 where t1.cocode = t2.cocode and t2.zonecode = t3.zone and t3.province_no = t4.proviceid) B where a.yearid_ly = B.yearid and a.cocode = B.cocode) group by month_id, corppkno