poj3083Children of the Candy Corn(dfs+bfs)

http://poj.org/problem?id=3083纠结了好久 被它的转向搞晕 了

WA两次 加一else AC。。

设置四个方向 初始化方向自己算出来 初始化在数组中 dfs+bfs

左  就是当前方向向左 左走不动就逆时针走下一个方向  依次类推 右同样的方式

View Code
  1 #include <iostream>

  2  #include<cstdio>

  3  #include<cstring>

  4  using namespace std;

  5  char s[50][50],so[2];

  6  int pr[7],dis[4][2]={-1,0,0,-1,1,0,0,1},vis[50][50],n,m,flag;

  7  int dir[2][4][4] = {{{1, 0, 3, 2}, {2, 1, 0, 3}, {3, 2, 1, 0}, {0, 3, 2, 1}},{{3, 0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 0}, {2, 3, 0, 1}}};

  8  struct node

  9  {

 10      int x,y,num;

 11  }q[100010];

 12  int judge(int x,int y)

 13  {

 14      if(x<1||x>n||y<1||y>m)

 15      return 0;

 16      if(s[x][y]=='#')

 17      return 0;

 18      return 1;

 19  }

 20  void bfs()

 21  {

 22      int i,j,p = 0, d = 1;

 23      memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));

 24      q[d].x = so[0];

 25      q[d].y = so[1];

 26      q[d].num = 1;

 27      vis[so[0]][so[1]] = 1;

 28      while(p!=d)

 29      {

 30          p++;

 31          int tx = q[p].x;

 32          int ty = q[p].y;

 33          int tnum = q[p].num;

 34          if(s[tx][ty]=='E')

 35          {

 36              pr[5] = tnum;

 37              break;

 38          }

 39          for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)

 40          {

 41              int nx = tx+dis[i][0];

 42              int ny = ty+dis[i][1];

 43              if(!vis[nx][ny]&&judge(nx,ny))

 44              {

 45                  vis[nx][ny] = 1;

 46                  d++;

 47                  q[d].x = nx;

 48                  q[d].y = ny;

 49                  q[d].num = tnum+1;

 50              }

 51          }

 52      }

 53  }

 54  void dfs(int x,int y,int d,int f)

 55  {

 56      pr[f]++;

 57      if(s[x][y]=='E')

 58          return ;

 59      int i,j,td,tx,ty;

 60      td = dir[f][d][0];

 61      tx = x+dis[td][0];

 62      ty = y+dis[td][1];

 63      if(judge(tx,ty))

 64            dfs(tx,ty,td,f);

 65      else

 66      {

 67          td = dir[f][d][1];

 68          tx = x+dis[td][0];

 69          ty = y+dis[td][1];

 70          if(judge(tx,ty))

 71          dfs(tx,ty,td,f);

 72          else

 73          {

 74              td = dir[f][d][2];

 75              tx = x+dis[td][0];

 76              ty = y+dis[td][1];

 77              if(judge(tx,ty))

 78              dfs(tx,ty,td,f);

 79              else

 80              {

 81                  td = dir[f][d][3];

 82                  tx = x+dis[td][0];

 83                  ty = y+dis[td][1];

 84                  if(judge(tx,ty))

 85                  dfs(tx,ty,td,f);

 86              }

 87          }

 88      }

 89  }

 90  int main()

 91  {

 92      int i,j,k,t,in;

 93      cin>>t;

 94      while(t--)

 95      {

 96          cin>>m>>n;

 97          pr[0] = 0;

 98          pr[1] = 0;

 99          for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)

100          {

101              getchar();

102              for(j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)

103              {

104                  cin>>s[i][j];

105                  if(s[i][j]=='S')

106                  {

107                      so[0] = i;

108                      so[1] = j;

109                      if(so[0]==n)

110                      in = 0;

111                      if(so[0]==1)

112                      in = 2;

113                      if(so[1]==m)

114                      in = 1;

115                      if(so[1]==1)

116                      in = 3;

117                  }

118              }

119          }

120          bfs();

121          for(i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++)

122          {

123              memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));

124              vis[so[0]][so[1]] = 1;

125              dfs(so[0],so[1],in,i);

126          }

127          cout<<pr[0]<<" "<<pr[1]<<" "<<pr[5]<<endl;

128      }

129      return 0;

130  }


