
REBOL [ title: "Calendar" version: 1.0.0 author:wizChen ] ;判断数据是否合法 validata: func["判断数据是否合法" year [integer!] month [integer!] day [integer!] ] [ if( (year < 1) or (year > 9999) or (month < 1) or (month > 12)) [ return FALSE ] if( day < 0) [ return FALSE ] if(day == 29) [ return ( (month == 2) and (isLeapYear year) or (month != 2)) ] if(day == 30) [ return ((month == 1 or month == 3 or month == 5 or month == 7 or month == 8 or month == 10 or month == 12)) ] if(day > 31) [ return FALSE ] return TRUE ] ;如果输入某年某月某日,进行'1'操作处理 setDays: func["如果输入某年某月某日,进行'1'操作处理"] [ weekDay: 0 year: str2int ask { please input the year:} month: str2int ask { please input the month:} day: str2int ask { please input the day:} while[ ! validata year month day ] [ year: str2int ask { please input the year:} month: str2int ask { please input the month:} day: str2int ask { please input the day:} ] weekDay: remainder ( getAllDays year month day ) 7 switch/default weekDay [ 0 [ print [ year"/"month"/"day"/" "today is Sunday" ] outThreeLines ] 1 [ print [ year"/"month"/"day"/" "today is Monday" ] outThreeLines ] 2 [ print [ year"/"month"/"day"/" "today is Tuesday" ] outThreeLines ] 3 [ print [ year"/"month"/"day"/" "today is Wednesday" ] outThreeLines ] 4 [ print [ year"/"month"/"day"/" "today is Thursday" ] outThreeLines ] 5 [ print [ year"/"month"/"day"/" "today is Friday" ] outThreeLines ] 6 [ print [ year"/"month"/"day"/" "today is Saturday" ] outThreeLines ] ][print "data is illegal!"] ] ;如果选输入某年某月,进行'2'操作处理 setMonth: func["如果选输入某年某月,进行'2'操作处理"] [ weekDay: 0 year: str2int ask { please input the year:} month: str2int ask { please input the month:} day: 1 while[ ! validata year month day ] [ year: str2int ask { please input the year:} month: str2int ask { please input the month:} ] weekDay: ( remainder ( getAllDays year month day ) 7 + 1 ) outPrint year month ] ;如果输入某年,进行'3'操作处理 setYear: func["如果输入某年,进行'3'操作处理"] [ m: 1 year: str2int ask { please input the year:} month: 1 day: 1 while[ ! validata year month day ] [ year: str2int ask { please input the year:} ] while[ m <= 12 ] [ outPrint year m m: m + 1 ] ] ;函数功能:提示用户输入,进行操作选择 inputData: func ["提示用户输入,进行操作选择"] [ flag: TRUE while[flag] [ print "Welcome to my Calendar,please input the selections below" print "" print "1:input the year,month and day,showing what day is it today" print "" print "2:input the year and month,showing the month calendar" print "" print "3:input the year,showing the year calendar" print "" print "4:exit" print "" choose: str2int ask { please input a number: } switch/default choose [ 1 [ setDays ] 2 [ setMonth ] 3 [ setYear ] 4 [ quit ] ] [ print "wrong input,please input again!" inputData ] ] ] ;得到这一天距离公元1年1月1日多少天 getAllDays: func ["得到这一天距离公元1年1月1日多少天" year [integer!] month [integer!] day [integer!] ] [ i: 1 j: 1 monthDays: 0 yearDays: 0 sumDays: 0 mEveryMonth: [ 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ] ;while循环自加计算年数对天数的影响 while[ i < year ] [ either isLeapYear i [ yearDays: yearDays + 366 ] [ yearDays: yearDays + 365 ] i: i + 1 ] ;while循环自加计算月数对天数的影响 while[ j < month] [ monthDays: monthDays + ( pick mEveryMonth j) if(isLeapYear year ) [ monthDays: monthDays + 1 ] j: j + 1 ] sumDays: yearDays + monthDays + day return sumDays ] ;判断是否为闰年 isLeapYear: func["判断是否为闰年" year [integer!] ] [ ;取余运算符 remainder arg1 arg2 return ((( remainder year 4 ) == 0) and (( remainder year 100 ) != 0) or (( remainder year 400 ) == 0 )) ] ;string类型转integer类型 str2int: func["string类型转integer类型" str [string!] ] [ return ( to-integer str ) ] ;月份翻译转换 monthTrans: func["月份翻译转换" month [integer!] ] [ switch/default month [ 1 [return "January"] 2 [return "February"] 3 [return "March"] 4 [return "April"] 5 [return "May"] 6 [return "June"] 7 [return "July"] 8 [return "August"] 9 [return "September"] 10 [return "October"] 11 [return "November"] 12 [return "December"] ] [ print "data is illegal!" ] ] ;格式化输出 outPrint: func["格式化输出" year [integer!] month [integer!] ] [ weekDay: 0 day :1 n: 1 isFisrtLine: TRUE print [" "year"A.D"(monthTrans month)] print " SUN MON TUE WES THU FRI SAT" weekDay: (remainder (getAllDays year month day) 7) switch/default weekDay [ 0 [ prin "" ] 1 [ prin " " ] 2 [ prin " " ] 3 [ prin " " ] 4 [ prin " " ] 5 [ prin " " ] 6 [ prin " " ] ][print "data is illegal!"] mEveryMonth: [ 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ] while[ n <= (pick mEveryMonth month) ] [ weekDay: remainder weekDay 7 either weekDay == 0 [ either isFisrtLine [ prin "" ] [ print "" ] isFisrtLine: FALSE prin " " outChar n ] [ either isFisrtLine [ prin "" ] [ prin " " ] isFisrtLine: FALSE outChar n ] weekDay: weekDay + 1 n: n + 1 ] outThreeLines ] ;格式化输出字符串 outChar: func["格式化输出字符串" dayNum[integer!] ] [ either dayNum < 10 [ prin [" "dayNum] ] [ prin[" "dayNum] ] ] ;输出三行空字符 outThreeLines: func["输出三行空字符"] [ i: 0 while[i <= 2] [ print "" i: i + 1 ] ] ;执行脚本 inputData
最后几个内建REBOL函数解释一下吧,免得看的云里雾里(也可以自己去官方文档查看用法,或者直接在REBOL输入? FunctionName即可查看函数的功能,这儿FunctionName指的是函数的名字,比如说你要查exit函数的功能,输入? exit,它便会返回此函数的功能):