
To convert a series of files in Markdown format to DOCX format using Pandoc in a loop, you can use a scripting language like Python or Bash. Here are examples for both languages:


import os

# Assuming the Markdown files are in the current directory and have the extension '.md'
markdown_files = [file for file in os.listdir('.') if file.endswith('.md')]

for file in markdown_files:
    # Extract the file name without the extension
    file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
    # Construct the output file name with the '.docx' extension
    output_file = file_name + '.docx'
    # Use Pandoc to convert Markdown to DOCX
    command = f"pandoc {file} -o {output_file}"



# Assuming the Markdown files are in the current directory and have the extension '.md'
markdown_files=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.md")

for file in $markdown_files; do
    # Extract the file name without the extension
    file_name=$(basename -s .md "$file")
    # Construct the output file name with the '.docx' extension
    # Use Pandoc to convert Markdown to DOCX
    pandoc "$file" -o "$output_file"

Make sure you have Pandoc installed on your system and it’s added to the system’s PATH variable. Adjust the script accordingly if the Markdown files are in a different directory or have a different extension.
