How to enable Edit and Continue feature for Web Application Projects?

It is possible to edit and continue debugging web apps, even on x64 platform.


So, say goodbye to this window:


How to enable Edit and Continue feature for Web Application Projects?




Simply tick the box on the WebClient project. (double click ‘properties’ in that project)


How to enable Edit and Continue feature for Web Application Projects?



This will alleviate pretty much all your problems with regards to long build times, since now you can just put a break point wherever you wish, step through (using F11, and F10 (Debug – Step Into / Step Over).


Now, every time you get an exception, you can just type more/less/delete code where highlighted to fix it J


Also, for those that don’t know, use the IMMEDIATE WINDOW to type any line of code during debugging to get the ‘answer’


e.g. type


? myvariable.tostring()


To get the value



Found here:



And there are tones more:


big list here
