1、下载HTK源码并解压。传送门:http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/download.shtml(HTK source code )
2、HTK的编译需要Microsoft Visual Studio,确保本机装有VS并且环境变量path里面包含vcvars32.bat的路径。(例如我的路径是D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin)
显示:Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools.
tip:如果你的环境变量里面添加的是类似D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools的路径,用vsvars32命令也行。
ERROR [+6870] MakeXGraf: Not compiled with X11 support: use HGraf.X.c
FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HSLab
修正这个错误只需要修改上述两个地方即可。有的文章说还要删除HTKTools\Makefile.in中的“-lX11” ,我没有删除也可修正。
@echo off
title HTK Installation
color 0A
set /p choice= 是否开始编译HTK?[y^|n]:
if /i "%choice%"=="y" goto install
echo 按任意键结束... & pause > nul
mkdir bin.win32
call VCVARS32 bin.win32
call cd HTKLib
call nmake /f htk_htklib_nt.mkf all
call cd..
call cd HTKTools
call nmake /f htk_htktools_nt.mkf all
call cd..
call cd HLMLib
call nmake /f htk_hlmlib_nt.mkf all
call cd..
call cd HLMTools
call nmake /f htk_hlmtools_nt.mkf all
call cd..
goto end
该步骤会生成文件夹htk\bin.win32,并且将编译好的文件放在其内,这些.exe就是htk命令了。文件夹内应该包含如下文件:Cluster.exe HBuild.exe HCompV.exe HCopy.exe HDMan.exe HERest.exe HHEd.exe HInit.exe HLEd.exe HList.exe HLMCopy.exe HLRescore.exe HLStats.exe HMMIRest.exe HParse.exe HQuant.exe HRest.exe HResults.exe HSGen.exe HSLab.exe HSmooth.exe HVite.exe LAdapt.exe LBuild.exe LFoF.exe LGCopy.exe LGList.exe LGPrep.exe LLink.exe LMerge.exe LNewMap.exe LNorm.exe LPlex.exe LSubset.exe
USAGE: HInit [options] hmmFile trainFiles...
Option Default
-e f Set convergence factor epsilon 1.0E-4
-i N Set max iterations to N 20
-l s Set segment label to s none
-m N Set min segments needed 3
-n Update hmm (suppress uniform seg) off
-o fn Store new hmm def in fn (name only) outDir/srcfn
-u mvwt Update m)eans v)ars w)ghts t)rans mvwt
-v f Set minimum variance to f 1.0E-2
-w f set mix wt/disc prob floor to f 0.0
-A Print command line arguments off
-B Save HMMs/transforms as binary off
-C cf Set config file to cf default
-D Display configuration variables off
-F fmt Set source data format to fmt as config
-G fmt Set source label format to fmt as config
-H mmf Load HMM macro file mmf
-I mlf Load master label file mlf
-L dir Set input label (or net) dir current
-M dir Dir to write HMM macro files current
-S f Set script file to f none
-T N Set trace flags to N 0
-V Print version information off
-X ext Set input label (or net) file ext lab