第11章 开发类模块

11.1 类模块用于创建对象

11.2 词汇基础

11.3 类的重要意义以及为什么使用对象

11.4 创建一个简单的对象

代码清单11.1: SimpleLoan类


' Loan properties
Public  PrincipalAmount  As  Variant
Public  InterestRate  As  Variant
Public  LoanNumber  As  Variant
Public  Term  As  Variant

Private   Sub  Class_Initialize()
' set default principal amount to 0
    PrincipalAmount  =   0
' set default interest rate to 8 % annually
    InterestRate  =   0.08
' set loan number to 0
    LoanNumber  =   0
' set default term to 36 months
    Term  =   36     
End Sub

Public   Property   Get  Payment()  As  Variant
=  Application.WorksheetFunction.Pmt(InterestRate  /   12 , Term,  - PrincipalAmount)    
End Property



11.5 使用自己的对象



' 代码清单 11.2 使用对象的两种方式
Sub  TestSimpleLoan()
' declare a loan variable and explicitly
     ' create the object that the variable
     ' will refer to
     Dim  objLoan1  As   New  SimpleLoan
' declare a loan variable
     Dim  objloan2  As  SimpleLoan
' create the object that ojbLoan2
     ' will refer to.
     Set  objloan2  =   New  SimpleLoan
' demonstrate that the two
     ' loans are separate objects
    objLoan1.LoanNumber  =   1
=   2
" objloan1.LoanNumber is:  "   &  objLoan1.LoanNumber
" objloan2.LoanNumber is:  "   &  objloan2.LoanNumber
' terminate the objects and free the memory associated with
     ' the object variables
     Set  objLoan1  =   Nothing
Set  objloan2  =   Nothing     
End Sub



11.6 一个更好、更巧妙的对象



' private class variables to hold property values
Dim  mvPrincipalAmount  As  Variant
Dim  mvInterestRate  As  Variant
Dim  mvLoanNumber  As  Variant
Dim  mvTerm  As  Variant

Private   Sub  Class_Initialize()
' set default principal amount to 0
    mvPrincipalAmount  =   0
' set default interest rate to 8 % annually
    mvInterestRate  =   0.08
' set loan number to 0
    mvLoanNumber  =   0
' set term to 0 months
    mvTerm  =   0     
End Sub

Public   Property   Get  PrincipalAmount()  As  Variant
=  mvPrincipalAmount
End Property

Public   Property   Let  PrincipalAmount(ByVal vNewValue  As  Variant)
=  vNewValue
End Property

Public   Property   Get  InterestRate()  As  Variant
=  mvInterestRate
End Property

Public   Property   Let  InterestRate(ByVal vNewValue  As  Variant)
=  vNewValue
End Property

Public   Property   Get  LoanNumber()  As  Variant
=  mvLoanNumber
End Property

Public   Property   Let  LoanNumber(ByVal vNewValue  As  Variant)
=  vNewValue
End Property

Public   Property   Get  Term()  As  Variant
=  mvTerm
End Property

Public   Property   Let  Term(ByVal vNewValue  As  Variant)
=  vNewValue
End Property

Public   Property   Get  Payment()  As  Variant
=  Application.WorksheetFunction.Pmt( _
          InterestRate  /   12 , Term,  - PrincipalAmount)    
End Property



11.7 对象解释



' 代码清单11.4:使用Loan 对象计算贷款支付额
Sub  TestLoanObject()
Dim  rg  As  Range
Dim  objLoan  As  Loan
Set  rg  =  ThisWorkbook.Worksheets( " Loans " ).Range( " LoanListStart " ).Offset( 1 0 )
Set  objLoan  =   New  Loan
Do  Until  IsEmpty (rg)
With  objLoan
=  rg.Offset( 0 1 ).Value
=  rg.Offset( 0 2 ).Value
=  rg.Offset( 0 3 ).Value

          rg.Offset( 0 4 ).Value  =  .Payment
End   With
Set  rg  =  rg.Offset( 1 0 )
Set  objLoan  =   Nothing
Set  rg  =   Nothing
End Sub



' 代码清单11.5:不使用Loan对象的情况下计算贷款支付额
Public   Function  Payment(vInterestRate  As  Variant, vTerm  As  Variant, vPrincipalAmount)  As  Variant
=  Application.WorksheetFunction.Pmt(vInterestRate  /   12 , vTerm, vPrincipalAmount)

End Function

Sub  testNoObject()
Dim  rg  As  Range
Dim  vTerm  As  Variant
Dim  vInterestRate  As  Variant
Dim  vPrincipalAmount  As  Variant
Set  rg  =  ThisWorkbook.Worksheets( " Loan " ).Range( " LoanListStart " ).Offset( 1 0 )
Do  Until  IsEmpty (rg)
=  rg.Offset( 0 1 ).Value
=  rg.Offset( 0 2 ).Value
=  rg.Offset( 0 3 ).Value
0 4 ).Value  =  Payment(vInterestRate, vTerm, vPrincipalAmount)
Set  rg  =   Nothing         
End Sub



11.8 收集自己的对象

代码清单11.6:使用 Collection 对象作为多个对象的容器


' 代码清单11.6:使用 Collection 对象作为多个对象的容器
Sub  TestCollectionObject()
Dim  rg  As  Range
Dim  objLoans  As  Collection
Dim  objLoan  As  Loan
Set  rg  =  ThisWorkbook.Worksheets( " Loans " ).Range( " LoanListStart " ).Offset( 1 0 )
' get the collection of loan objects
     Set  objLoans  =  CollectLoanObjects(rg)
" There are  "   &  objLoans.Count  &   "  loans. "
' iterate through each loan
     For   Each  objLoan In objLoans
" Loan Number  "   &  objLoan.LoanNumber  &   "  has a payment of  " ; Format(objLoan.Payment,  " currency " )
Set  objLoans  =   Nothing
Set  objLoan  =   Nothing
Set  rg  =   Nothing
End Sub

Function  CollectLoanObjects(rg  As  Range)  As  Collection
Dim  objLoan  As  Loan
Dim  objLoans  As  Collection
Set  objLoans  =   New  Collection
' loop until we find an empty row
     Do  Until  IsEmpty (rg)
Set  objLoan  =   New  Loan
With  objLoan
=  rg.Value
=  rg.Offset( 0 1 ).Value
=  rg.Offset( 0 2 ).Value
=  rg.Offset( 0 3 ).Value
End   With
' add the current loan to the collection
        objLoans.Add objLoan,  CStr (objLoan.LoanNumber)
' move to next row
         Set  rg  =  rg.Offset( 1 0 )
Set  objLoan  =   Nothing
Set  CollectLoanObjects  =  objLoans
Set  objLoans  =   Nothing

End Function




' 代码清单11.7:使用比较难的方法(数组)收集对象
Sub  TestCollectLoansTheHardWay()

End Sub

Function  collectLoansTheHardWay(rg  As  Range)  As  Variant()
Dim  vTerm  As  Variant
Dim  vInterestRate  As  Variant
Dim  vPrincipalAmount  As  Variant
Dim  vLoans()  As  Variant
Dim  nRows  As   Long
Dim  nItem  As   Long
' figure out how many rows there are
    nRows  =  rg.End(xlDown).Row  -  rg.Row
' resize the array to reflect the number of rows
     ReDim  vLoans(nRows,  3 )
' initialize array loan index
    nItem  =   0
' ok - read in the values
     Do  Until  IsEmpty (rg)
' loan number
        vLoans(nItem,  0 =  rg.Value
' term
        vLoans(nItem,  1 =  rg.Offset( 0 1 ).Value
' interest rate
        vLoans(nItem,  2 =  rg.Offset( 0 2 ).Value
' principal amount
        vLoans(nItem,  3 =  rg.Offset( 0 3 ).Value
Set  rg  =  rg.Offset( 1 0 )
=  nItem  +   1
=  vLoans
End Function



11.9 实现更准确的属性

 代码清单11.8:在Property Let过程中验证数据有效性


' private class variables to hold property values
Dim  mcPrincipalAmount  As  Currency
Dim  mdInterestRate  As   Double
Dim  mdLoanNumber  As   Long
Dim  mnTerm  As   Long

' create an enumeration of loan terms
set each value equal to the term in months
Enum  lnLoanTerm
=   24
=   36
=   48
=   60
=   72
End Enum

' lending limits
Private   Const  MIN_LOAN_AMT  =   5000
Private   Const  MAX_LOAN_AMT  =   7500

Private   Const  MIN_INTEREST_RATE  =   0.04
Private   Const  MAX_INTEREST_RATE  =   0.21
Private   Sub  Class_Initialize()
' set default principal amount to 0
    mcPrincipalAmount  =   0
' set default interest rate to 8 % annually
    mdInterestRate  =   0.08
' set loan number to 0
    mdLoanNumber  =   0
' set term to 0 months
    mnTerm  =  ln3years    
End Sub

Public   Property   Get  PrincipalAmount()  As  Currency
=  mcPrincipalAmount
End Property

Public   Property  Let PrincipalAmount( ByVal  PrincipalAmt  As  Currency)
If  PrincipalAmt  <  MIN_LOAN_AMT  Or  PrincipalAmt  >  MAX_LOAN_AMT  Then
' don't change value
         ' raise error
        Err.Raise vbObjectError  +   1 " Loan Class " " invalid loan amount. loans must be between "  _
&  MIN_LOAN_AMT  &   "  and  "   &  MAX_LOAN_AMT  &   "  inclusive. "
=  PrincipalAmt
End   If
End Property

Public   Property   Get  InterestRate()  As   Double
=  mdInterestRate
End Property

Public   Property  Let InterestRate( ByVal   Rate   As   Double )
If   Rate   <  MIN_INTEREST_RATE  Or   Rate   >  MAX_INTEREST_RATE  Then
' don't change value
         ' raise error
        Err.Raise vbObjectError  +   2 " Loan Class " , _
" invalid interest rate. Rate must be between "   &  _
&   "  and  "   &  MAX_INTEREST_RATE  &   "  inclusive. "
=   Rate
End   If
End Property

Public   Property   Get  LoanNumber()  As   Long
=  mdLoanNumber
End Property

Public   Property  Let LoanNumber( ByVal  LoanNbr  As   Long )
=  LoanNbr
End Property

Public   Property   Get  Term()  As  lnLoanTerm
=  mnTerm
End Property

Public   Property  Let Term( ByVal  Term  As  lnLoanTerm)
Select   Case  Term
Case  ln2years, ln3years, ln4years, ln5years, ln6years
=  Term
Case   Else
' don't change current value
             ' raise error
            Err.Raise vbObjectError  +   3 " Loan Class " , _
" Invalid loan term. Use one of the lnLoanTerm values "             
End   Select
End Property

Public   Property   Get  Payment()  As  Variant
=  Application.WorksheetFunction.Pmt(InterestRate  /   12 , Term,  - PrincipalAmount)    
End Property






