Genymotion shell

Genymotion provides a shell that enables you to script the modification of sensor states.

Command line options
  • -h: print help
  • -r ip_address: connect to specific Genymotion virtual device
  • -c "command": execute the given command in Genymotion Shell environment and return
  • -f file: execute the content of the file. Each command per line
Available commands
  • battery getmode
    Get the current battery mode of the selected virtual device. The mode can only be:
    • host: The virtual battery reflect the host battery (if exists)
    • manual: In this mode, you can set the level and status battery values
  • battery setmode
    Set the battery mode. The mode can only be:
    • host: The virtual battery reflect the host battery (if exists)
    • manual: In this mode, you can set the level and status battery values
  • battery getlevel
    Get the current battery amount of power. The value can only be between 0% and 100%.
    If the battery mode is "host", the returned value is the host value.
  • battery setlevel
    Set the current battery amount of power. The value can only be between 0% and 100%.
    Set the battery level force the "manual" mode: if the last mode was "host", then it's turned to "manual"
  • battery getstatus
    Get the current battery status. There are 4 possible status:
    • Discharging: The power supply is disconnected and the battery is discharging.
    • Charging: The power supply is connected and the battery is charging.
    • Full: The battery is full.
    • Unknown: Sometimes, the battery status cannot be established, it happens when there is no host battery.
  • battery setstatus
    Set the current battery status. There are 4 possible status:
    • Discharging: The power supply is disconnected and the battery is discharging.
    • Charging: The power supply is connected and the battery is charging.
    • Full: The battery is full.
    • Unknown: Sometimes, the battery status cannot be established, it happens when there is no host battery.
  • devices list
    List available Genymotion virtual devices and provides details like current states or IP address.
  • devices ping
    Send a ping message to check if virtual device if responding
  • devices refresh
    Refresh Genymotion virtual device list. Use it to keep the list up-to-date.
  • devices select
    Select the Genymotion virtual device you want to interact with.
  • devices show
    List available Genymotion virtual devices and provides details like current states or IP address
  • devices factoryreset
    Factory reset virtual device (add keyword force at the end to avoid warning message about data loss)
  • gps activate
    Activate the GPS sensor (if not already activated)
  • gps desactivate
    Desactivate the GPS sensor (if activated)
  • gps getlatitude
    Return current latitude (if GPS is activated AND already has a latitude) or 0
  • gps setlatitude
    Set latitude (and activate GPS if not already activated)
  • gps getlongitude
    Return current longitude (if GPS is activated AND already has a longitude) or 0
  • gps setlongitude
    Set longitude (and activate GPS if not already activated)
  • gps getaltitude
    Return current altitude (if GPS is activated AND already has a altitude) or 0
  • gps setaltitude
    Set altitude (and activate GPS if not already activated)
  • gps getaccuracy
    Return current accuracy in meters (if GPS is activated AND already has a accuracy) or 0
  • gps setaccuracy
    Set accuracy (and activate GPS if not already activated)
  • gps getorientation
    Return current orientation in degrees (if GPS is activated AND already has a orientation) or 0
  • gps setorientation
    Set orientation (and activate GPS if not already activated)
  • rotation setangle
    Set the rotation angle of the virtual device.
  • genymotion capabilities
    Get Genymotion capabilities (gps, webcam, remote-control, ...) of selected virtual device.
  • genymotion clearcache
    Clear temporary downloaded files and logs.
  • genymotion version
    Get Genymotion version of selected virtual device.
  • genymotion license
    Get Genymotion license (type, validity, ...).
  • android version
    Get Android version of selected virtual device.
  • android getandroidid
    Get Android ID of selected virtual device (available only with Indie or Business license).
  • android setandroidid
    Set Android ID of selected virtual device (available only with Indie or Business license).
    Warning: if several users exist on the Android system, Android ID will only be set for the first user, not for all.
    Two kind of values are accepted:
    • random: generate a random Android ID.
    • custom value (must be 16 hexadecimal digits long).
  • android getdeviceid
    Get Device ID (IMEI/MEID number) of selected virtual device (available only with Indie or Business license).
  • android setdeviceid
    Set Device ID (IMEI/MEID number) of selected virtual device (available only with Indie or Business license).
    Three kind of values are accepted:
    • none: set an empty Device ID.
    • random: generate a random Device ID.
    • custom value (alphanumeric characters, point, dash, underscore).
  • build number
    Get Genymotion Shell build number
  • help
    Prompt the help.
  • pause
    Pause execution (in number of seconds).
  • version
    Get Genymotion Shell version.
  • exit or quit
    Close Genymotion Shell.
