some concepts: Java is from Sun Microsystem Inc., and JavaScript, called LiveScript before, is from Netscape; those two languages has little relationship with each other. Just their names confuse us.
Arrays, Functions, Objects都是对象。Objects是name-value pair的集合,name是string,value是strings、numbers、booleans、objects(arrays and functions etc.)。objects使用哈希表实现其告诉取值的特性。
2.javascript中没有class的概念,可以用定义function的方式来模拟一个类。如,function Person(){...}。
<script type="text/javascript"> var Employee ={ "empID":"", "empFirstName":"", "empLastName":"", "setValues":function(id,fname,lname){ this.empID = id; this.empFirstName = fname; this.empLastName = lname; }, "getValues":function(){ alert(this.empID + " " + this.empFirstName + " " + this.empLastName); } } function main(){ Employee.setValues("1142″,"Yogesh","Jaiswal"); Employee.getValues(); } </script> HTML Code : <div> <asp:Button ID="btnCallmain" runat="server" Text="CallMain" OnClientClick="javascript:main();"/> </div>
4.继承机制是指,objects inherit from objects, not classes,因为没有类的概念。
1) 使用构造函数.ctor,如:
function Person(name){this.Name=name;};
此方法通常初始化public instance variables;var paul=new Person("paul cheung");此时,paul.Name就是"paul cheung"。
Person.prototype.Greet = function(target){return "hi, " + target;}
此方法一般用于添加public methods,比如Shakehand方法没有在Person object中找到,此时就会去Person的prototype成员里找,这个很重要,直接上原文:When a member is sought and it isn't found in the object itself, then it is taken from the object's constructor's prototype member. The prototype mechanism is used for inheritance. It also conserves memory. To add a method to all objects made by a constructor, add a function to the constructor's prototype;
这就是prototype继承机制;paul.Great("chris paul")会返回"hi, chris paul".
>> function Container(param) { this.member = param; var secret = 3; var that = this; #构造函数创建三个私有变量,添加到object上,不能被外部和public方法访问;只有私有方法可以访问(为啥Greet方法可以访问member?)
} Container.prototype.Greet = function(){console.log(this.member);} #Greet() is public? if so why c.Greet() can get this.member?f**k
c = new Container("paul's container") c.member #can not get this member; c.Greet(); paul's container #c.Greet();
理解起来还是迷迷糊糊,两个链接以备后用: Private Members in JavaScript,by Douglas Crockford; and Natural JavaScript private methods, by Andrea Giammarchi.