Single Number和Single Number II

1 Single Number

Given an array of integers, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.

Your algorithm should have a linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it without using extra memory?


a ^ a = 0,a ^ 0 = a


1     public int singleNumber(int[] A) {

2         int single = 0;

3         for (int i : A) {

4             single ^= i;

5         }

6         return single;

7     }
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2 Single Number II

Given an array of integers, every element appears three times except for one. Find that single one.

Your algorithm should have a linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it without using extra memory?


(1) a @ a @ a = 0,a @ 0 = a


(2) a -> one,a @ a -> two,a @ a @ a -> one @ two = 0


 1     public int singleNumber_3(int[] A) {

 2         int one = 0;

 3         int two = 0;

 4         for (int carry : A) {

 5             while (carry != 0) {

 6                 two ^= one & carry;

 7                 one ^= carry;    

 8                 carry = one & two;

 9             }

10         }

11         return one;

12     }
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 3 Single Number II (2)


 1     public int singleNumber_3_2(int[] A) {

 2         int one = 0;

 3         int two = 0;

 4         int three = 0;

 5         for (int carry : A) {

 6             two |= one & carry;     // 这两行操作的结果是把carry加到one并进位到two。进位一般是two ^= one & carry ,这里是|,其结果是进位到two后并不继续向高位进位

 7             one ^= carry;           

 8             three = one & two;      // 在这里手动进位到three

 9             one &= ~three;          // one清零

10             two &= ~three;          // two清零

11         }

12         return one;

13     }
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 1     public int singleNumber_3(int[] A) {

 2         int one = 0;

 3         int two = 0;

 4         for (int carry : A) {

 5             two ^= one & carry;

 6             one ^= carry;    

 7             carry = one & two;

 8             two ^= one & carry;

 9             one ^= carry; 

10         }

11         return one;

12     }
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