
try just "make clobber".
In linux, the "Waiting for unfinished jobs" error usually happens when you spawn multiple jobs while running make (ie. to allow a multi-core system to have a build job on each core). It means that one make job is waiting for another make job to finish (with that make job being on a different core on the computer), and it doesn't complete in time.
最近make 遇到这个问题很纠结,于是上网查了查,都是英文的,还好能看懂,(咋都是有基础的嘛,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……),他们也没给出答案,不过我查到关键的了。招骋这个错误的好像是由于在make一个任务时,并没有结束,这时在进行make就会报
make: *** [out/target/common/obj/APPS/CMParts_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar] 错误 41 这个错误,解决方法,知道的话就很简单了,
只需打如下命令 即可:$ make clobber $ make 就可以啦!
