softimage/XSI 访问场景的方法




Separates items in a list. For example, "mycube.kine.local.posx, mycube.kine.local.posy, mycube.kine.local.posz"

{ }

Specifies a list of objects. For example, "{cube, sphere}.kine.local.posx" selects the local X position of the cube and sphere objects.


Denotes branch-selection. For example, DeleteObj "B:cone" deletes the object named cone and its children.


Matches one or more characters. For example:

  • "Views.ViewA.*Camera" matches all cameras of view A.

  • "Passes.MyPass.*" matches all partitions under "MyPass".

  • "Layers.MyLayer.*" matches all objects in "MyLayer".

  • "cube*" matches all objects whose names begin with "cube".

  • "Cone.pnt[*]" matches all the points on the object. This is the same as "Cone.point[0-LAST]".


A marking list for a command. Separates a list of objects and a list of animatable parameters. For example, the command AddFCurve "cone*/kine.local.pos" adds fcurves to the local position parameters of all objects whose names begin with the letters "cone".


Used to reference types of objects:

  • SelectObj "*.#override*" selects all overrides in the scene.

  • SelectObj "*.#model*" selects all models in the scene.

  • SelectObj "*.#3dobject*" selects all 3D objects in the scene.

  • SelectObj "*.#pass*" selects all passes in the scene.

  • SelectObj "*.#group*" selects all groups in the scene.
