1.For consistent animation sync behavior, avoid using a polite load with a tandem creative whenever possible. Polite load can make users wait for a website to load completely before the creative loads, increasing the risk that tandem creatives will time out or fail to sync with each other.
2.It's important that each ad's instance of the Local Connect component load at the same time so that the units can easily establish a connection
3.In the Properties panel, give every Local Connect component the same instance name. For example, localConnectComponent.
4.You can send data from parent to child and child to parent, but never from child to another child
5.we recommend that you define a timeout behavior for all Tandem creatives. If one of the creatives doesn't load, this allows creatives that do load to continue with their own animation instead of remaining stopped indefinitely:
import com.google.ads.studio.events.StudioEvent;
//Set up Timeout function
function timeoutHandler(e:StudioEvent) {
//insert function here
trace("Local Connect Failed");
//Add EventListener for StudioEvent.TIMEOUT
localConnectComponent.addEventListener(StudioEvent.TIMEOUT, timeoutHandler);
6 lc.sendData("data send");
if(e.data=="data send")