bind function adapter (included <functional>)
bind(op, args, …) Binds args to op
Simple Code
auto pfn = std::bind(std::plus<int>(), std::placeholders::_1, 10);
cout<<pfn(7); // 17
Note that bind() internally copies passed arguments. To let the function object use a reference to a passed argument, use ref() or cref()
void Increment(int& i) {i++;}
// ref function
auto prf = bind(Increment, _1);
int i = 1;
cout<<i<<endl;// 2
class BindTest
int AddM(int lhs, int rhs) const {return lhs + rhs;}
class BindPerson
BindPerson(const string& name):_name(name){}
void Print() const {cout<<_name<<endl;}
string _name;
int main()
// member function
BindTest _bt1;
auto pmf = bind(&BindTest::AddM, _1, _2, _3);
cout<<pmf(_bt1, 1, 3)<<endl;//cout<<bind(&BindTest::AddM, _1, _2, _3)(_bt1, 1, 3)<<endl;
vector<BindPerson> vp = {BindPerson("A1"), BindPerson("A2"), BindPerson("A3")};
for_each(vp.begin(), vp.end(), bind(&BindPerson::Print, _1));
return 0;
vector<BindPerson*> vpp = {new BindPerson("B1"), new BindPerson("B2"), new BindPerson("B3")};
for_each(vpp.begin(), vpp.end(), bind(&BindPerson::Print, _1));
for(auto elem : vpp)
delete elem;
elem = nullptr;
vector<shared_ptr<BindPerson>> vps = {make_shared<BindPerson>("C1"), make_shared<BindPerson>("C2")};
for_each(vps.begin(), vps.end(), bind(&BindPerson::Print, _1));