
在前面的那张图中,可以看到SpringSource产品和云计算,和VmWare产品的关系,可以预见的技术走向是,Spring一会考虑与VmWare企业级虚拟计算环境的融合,另一方面,会在私有云和公有云两个层面提供平台服务,比如在公有云上,就是cloudfoundry- 这个SpringSource新启动的在线服务,而在私有云领域,就会和VMware一起,进入到企业数据中心的建设。也就是说,它会为企业应用软件和SaaS应用通过基于虚拟数据中心的云计算环境提供服务。

Combined with VMware’s vSphere and other cloud-enabling technologies, we can innovate in frameworks and infrastructure to deliver a joined up experience. SpringSource application frameworks, servers and management software can give the VMware platform eyes and ears throughout the stack, allowing it to apply its uniquely advanced ability to migrate workloads and manage VMs for maximum efficiency and minimal hardware resource cost. SpringSource rapid development frameworks and tooling can provide developers with the ability to move from code to cloud in minutes. All of this with the quality you can expect from both companies, and the ease of use you can depend on from Spring technologies.

这里可以看到,今后Spring与VmWare的整合将是一个重点,因为Spring要做的是为VMware平台,提供“耳朵”和“眼睛”。在这种情况下,可以最大的提供资源的使用效率 – 这也是云计算的出发点,这样,Spring现有的技术就和云计算融合在一起了。
