LeetCode Online Judge 题目C# 练习 - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. For "bbbbb" the longest substring is "b", with the length of 1.


 1         public static int LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters(string s)

 2         {

 3             //ASCII has 256 characters

 4             BitArray map = new BitArray(256, false);

 5             int i = 0, j = 0;

 6             int max = 0;

 7             int n = s.Length;


 9             while(j < n)

10             {

11                 if (map[s[j]])

12                 {

13                     max = Math.Max(max, j - i);

14                     //remove all the pervious character from map before duplicate

15                     while(s[i] != s[j])

16                     {

17                         map[s[i]] = false;

18                         i++;

19                     }

20                     i++;

21                     j++;

22                 }

23                 else

24                 {

25                     map[s[j]] = true;

26                     j++;

27                 }

28             }


30             max = Math.Max(max, j - i);


32             return max;

33         }



  j 指针往前走,并mark下出现的字符,一旦发现重复,i 往前走,走到与 j 位置相同的字符处, 并wipe out出现的字符。


  "a b c a b c b b"  "a b c a b c b b"  "a b c a b c b b"  "a b c a b c b b"  "a b c a b c b b"  "a b c a b c b b"

   i          i            i               i            i               i

   j                   j                j            j               j            j

            max = 3 ("abc")    "bca"        "cab"        "abc"        "cb"       

