@echo off set kobradir="C:\Program Files\Reuters\Kobra\Program" set kobra="kobra.exe" set kobraconfig="C:\Program Files\Reuters\Common\Config\RFA.RFA-configuration-file" rem check the file whether exist if exist %kobraconfig% goto checkPTNConfig echo No found RFA.RFA-configuration-file goto end :checkPTNConfig if exist %kobraconfig%_PTN goto checkIINConfig echo No found RFA.RFA-configuration-file_PTN goto end :checkIINConfig if exist %kobraconfig%_IIN goto install_prompt echo No found RFA.RFA-configuration-file_IIN goto end rem consult the network which want? :install_prompt set /p a=Please choose which network you want to access to? Continue [PTN/IIN]? if /i '%a:~0,3%'=='PTN' goto Change2PTN if /i '%a:~0,3%'=='IIN' goto Change2IIN echo Invalid user input... goto install_prompt :Change2PTN del /f /s /q %kobraconfig% > nul copy /Y %kobraconfig%_PTN %kobraconfig% echo Change to PTN : Done goto end :Change2IIN del /f /s /q %kobraconfig% > nul copy /Y %kobraconfig%_IIN %kobraconfig% echo Change to IIN : Done goto end rem shutdown the kobra taskkill /f /im %kobra% :waitforstop ping -n 5 >nul tasklist | find /i "kobra.exe" > nul && goto waitforstop rem start the kobra %kobradir%\%kobra% :end pause
sc query - Enumerates status for active services & drivers
sc query messenger - Displays status for the messenger service
sc queryex messenger - Displays extended status for the messenger service
sc query type= driver - Enumerates only active drivers
sc query type= service - Enumerates only Win32 services
sc query state= all - Enumerates all services & drivers
sc query bufsize= 50 - Enumerates with a 50 byte buffer
sc query ri= 14 - Enumerates with resume index = 14
sc queryex group= \"\" - Enumerates active services not in a group
sc query type= service type= interact - Enumerates all interactive services
sc query type= driver group= NDIS - Enumerates all NDIS drivers
快速显示网络连接状态的命令(open the network connections in command) supproted by windows xp, vista, 7, 2003server, 2008server.
Accessibility Options access.cpl Add/Remove Programs appwiz.cpl Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz.cpl Administrative Tools admintools Automatic Updates wuaucpl.cpl Bluetooth Properties bthprops.cpl Control Panel panel Desktop Properties desktop Desktop Appearances Properties color Display Properties desk.cpl Fastfind Properties findfast.cpl Firewall Properties firewall.cpl Fonts Folder fonts Game Controllers joy.cpl Infrared Properties infrared Internet Options inetcpl.cpl iSCSI Initiator iscsicpl.cpl Java Control Panel jpicpl32.cpl Keyboard Properties main.cpl keyboard Licensing Mode liccpa.cpl Mouse Properties main.cpl Network Connections ncpa.cpl Network Setup Wizard netsetup.cpl ODBC Properties odbccp32.cpl Power Options powercfg.cpl Printers Folder printers Regional and Language Options intl.cpl Scanners and Camera Properties sticpl.cpl Schedule Tasks schedtasks Sound and Audio Devices mmsys.cpl Stored Passwords keymgr.cpl System Properties sysdm.cpl Telephone and Modem Properties telephon.cpl Time and Date Settings timedate.cpl User Accounts nusrmgr.cpl User Accounts Advances userpasswords2 User Passwords userpasswords Windows Security Center wscui.cpl Wireless Link irprops.cpl
if not exist d:\cmp\temp mkdir d:\cmp\temp
xcopy /Y /E "../conf" d:\cmp\temp
copy /Y /E "../conf" d:\cmp\temp
copy nul newfile.txt > nul
可以使用ping –n num来决定睡觉几秒
ping -n 3 >nul