Input binding is the mechanism that you can invoke a command by some input measures, such as mouse input or keyboard input.
The concrete classes to InputBindings are MouseBinding and KeyBinding.
Since Input bindings are something that you may use often, below shows you an example on how to use the Input Bindings. (normally you will create input binding on parent element so that you can fire the command from a bigger container )
Suppose that you can create a class that implements the ICommand, and this class has some input gestures which indicate what input it expects to fire the commands.
namespace InputBindingsTest { public class SimpleDelegateCommand : ICommand { public Key GestureKey { get; set; } public ModifierKeys GestureModifier { get; set; } public MouseAction MouseGesture { get; set; } Action<object> _executeDelegate; public SimpleDelegateCommand(Action<object> executeDelegate) { _executeDelegate = executeDelegate; } public bool CanExecute(object parameter) { return true; // if the CanExecute changes, raise the OnCanExecutedChanged() //OnCanExecutedChanged(null); } public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; protected virtual void OnCanExecutedChanged(EventArgs eventargs) { var changed = CanExecuteChanged; if (changed != null) { changed(this, eventargs); } } public void Execute(object parameter) { _executeDelegate(parameter); } } }
and with this class, we are going to create a concrete command , which represents a action to change the background of container.
The name of the Command is ChangeColorCommand, and we want to indicate that user can fire the command through the use of "Ctrl + C" or "Right Mouse ClicK"; Also, in this source file, the handler to the ChangeColorCommand is also defined.
namespace InputBindingsTest { /// <summary> /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// </summary> public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); InitializeCommand(); } public SimpleDelegateCommand ChangeColorCommand { get { return changeColorCommand; } } private SimpleDelegateCommand changeColorCommand; private void InitializeCommand() { originalColor = this.Background; changeColorCommand = new SimpleDelegateCommand(x => this.ChangeColor(x)); DataContext = this; changeColorCommand.GestureKey = Key.C; changeColorCommand.GestureModifier = ModifierKeys.Control; changeColorCommand.MouseGesture = MouseAction.RightClick; } private Brush originalColor, alternateColor; private void ChangeColor(object colorString) { if (colorString == null) { return; } Color newColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString((string)colorString); alternateColor = new SolidColorBrush(newColor); if (this.Background == originalColor) { this.Background = alternateColor; } else { this.Background = originalColor; } } } }
Now, to make the Input binding really effective, below is the xaml file. where we set up the Input binding on the container element (in this case, the MainWindow), and we uses the concrete binding such as KeyBinding and the MouseBinding;
<Window x:Class="InputBindingsTest.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"> <Window.InputBindings> <KeyBinding Command="{Binding ChangeColorCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=colorPicker, Path=SelectedItem}" Key="{Binding ChangeColorCommand.GestureKey}" Modifiers="{Binding ChangeColorCommand.GestureModifier}"/> <MouseBinding Command="{Binding ChangeColorCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=colorPicker, Path=SelectedItem}" MouseAction="{Binding ChangeColorCommand.MouseGesture}"/> </Window.InputBindings> <StackPanel Background="Transparent"> <Button Content="Change Color" Command="{Binding ChangeColorCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=colorPicker, Path=SelectedItem}" /> <ListBox Name="colorPicker" Background="Transparent" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib"> <sys:String>Red</sys:String> <sys:String>Green</sys:String> <sys:String>Blue</sys:String> <sys:String>Yellow</sys:String> <sys:String>Orange</sys:String> <sys:String>Purple</sys:String> </ListBox> </StackPanel> </Window>
now you can change the color of the background either through the use of "Right Mouse" click or you can simpley press "Ctrl + C";